From: ConservativeActionAlerts Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009
There are liberal organizations attacking our Constitutional and Civil Rights all over the country. We must defend those rights challenging Barack Obama and his friends and staff to uphold the Constitution. We must support high-profile champions of free speech like Glenn Beck and USJF friends at This public interest group with high principles is fighting back against the lies and extremist boycott of Glenn Beck.
People are always asking me what they can do to further protect their rights. The answer? Support the work of the!
Below, please find an important action update. With justice for all, Gary Kreep, Executive Director, United States Justice Foundation
Beck Attacked By Obama Radical Black Nationalist?
"The liberals like kicking Rush Limbaugh around,
Me they're trying to run out of business!" - Glenn Beck
Obama Special Advisor A Communist!
Obama appointed his friend radical Black Nationalist Van Jones as his "Green Jobs Czar". Jones-who was jailed for helping incite the 1992 Rodney King riots in L.A.-- is now attacking Glenn Beck-who continues to out Jones' dark past. Jones who said he was "a rowdy nationalist" prior to his arrest, emerged from prison and said he had become "a communist." The White House apparently approves and has not raised any challenges or denials saying only that "Jones is not a Czar. He is a special adviser to the president!"
Now Glenn Beck is being attacked by Color of Change--a radical Black Nationalist group co-founded by Van Jones--in retaliation for Beck outing Van Jones' questionable past. Beck aired a segment on Jones on July 28 where he called the activist a "self-professed communist" and questioned the role he was playing in the administration.
Jones founded Color of Change after Hurricane Katrina, calling President Bush a "racist" for his response. Rapper Kanye West made a statement that Bush "hated Black people" and "ordered troops to go down and shoot" Blacks in New Orleans. Jones' group immediately starting selling t-shirt on their website which read "Kanye was right". Now this same group is trying to shut down Conservative Glenn Beck for exposing the Obama agenda, once again playing the race card.
Defense Campaign Is Working
Color of Change announced, on August 13th, that "Roche confirmed the company's decision to pull its ads" from Glenn Beck's program on FoxNews Channel. Well on Monday afternoon, August 31st, after 2 weeks of response from Beck fans, Roche confirmed to that they will be RETURNING Accu-Chek Ads to Beck. That evening Roche ran TWO ads on Beck's show nationally.
Color of Change announced that it has secured commitments from 36 companies including Wal-Mart and Sprint not to advertize on Becks show. Laughably, some of the companies never had a presence on Glenn Beck. has gotten conflicting responses from these advertisers, so we do not know how much they are blowing smoke for the radicals over at Color of Change out of fear of Van Jones, Obama BFF and self-described "black nationalist" and "Communist" who somehow got appointed as "Green Jobs Czar".
Jones a civil rights lawyer is also the founder of California's Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, "a non-profit agency for justice, opportunities and peace."
The Ella Baker Center was connected to STORM (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement), a "multi-racial activist collective with Marxist influences" with which Jones was involved.
In 1992, Van Jones founded another STORM project, Bay Area Police Watch, a "hotline and lawyer-referral service for victims and survivors of police abuse." This is fitting, perhaps, since Jones was himself arrested and detained briefly during a protest after the Rodney King verdict that same year.
This is what I need to be a part of really radical: communists and anarchists
Jones told the East Bay Express in 2005: "I met all these young radical people of color - I mean really radical: communists and anarchists. And it was, like,' I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary."
Obama like anyone is to be understood by the friends and staff he gets advice from. Obama has transformed his friend Jones from radical activist to Establishment insider. Only an amateur left-wing administration would put a self-described communist in charge of creating jobs.
Norman Thomas, six time Socialist candidate for POTUS, said, "The American people will ... under the name of liberalism... adopt every fragment of the socialist program, The Democratic Party has adopted our socialist platform."
Representatives of Procter & Gamble and AT&T - listed by Color of Change as companies that had signed onto the boycott - told The Times that their companies did not run spots on Beck's program to begin with."
Fox News spokesman said the boycott has not impacted the network's revenues or Beck's audience,
The advertisers referenced have all moved their spots from Beck to other programs on the network so there has been no revenue lost.
The uproar started after Prof. Gates and President Obama made fools of themselves over a policeman doing his job. Beck on an appearance on the morning show, "Fox & Friends," simply stated what most conservatives now believe. Beck made and observation about Obama, based on the Gates issue, of having "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture."
"This guy is, I believe, a racist," Beck added.
The uproar that followed did not dampen Beck's viewership. This month, his show has averaged 2.25 million viewers, and his ratings are up from July, when Beck's program averaged 2.05 million viewers. Supporter's and believer's websites have called for viewers to fight back against the advertising boycott. Many media veterans have denounced Van Jones' tactic as a suppression of free speech.
People are always asking me what they can do to further protect their rights. The answer? Support the work of the!
Below, please find an important action update. With justice for all, Gary Kreep, Executive Director, United States Justice Foundation

Beck Attacked By Obama Radical Black Nationalist?
"The liberals like kicking Rush Limbaugh around,
Me they're trying to run out of business!" - Glenn Beck
Obama Special Advisor A Communist!

Now Glenn Beck is being attacked by Color of Change--a radical Black Nationalist group co-founded by Van Jones--in retaliation for Beck outing Van Jones' questionable past. Beck aired a segment on Jones on July 28 where he called the activist a "self-professed communist" and questioned the role he was playing in the administration.
Jones founded Color of Change after Hurricane Katrina, calling President Bush a "racist" for his response. Rapper Kanye West made a statement that Bush "hated Black people" and "ordered troops to go down and shoot" Blacks in New Orleans. Jones' group immediately starting selling t-shirt on their website which read "Kanye was right". Now this same group is trying to shut down Conservative Glenn Beck for exposing the Obama agenda, once again playing the race card.
Defense Campaign Is Working
Color of Change announced, on August 13th, that "Roche confirmed the company's decision to pull its ads" from Glenn Beck's program on FoxNews Channel. Well on Monday afternoon, August 31st, after 2 weeks of response from Beck fans, Roche confirmed to that they will be RETURNING Accu-Chek Ads to Beck. That evening Roche ran TWO ads on Beck's show nationally.
Color of Change announced that it has secured commitments from 36 companies including Wal-Mart and Sprint not to advertize on Becks show. Laughably, some of the companies never had a presence on Glenn Beck. has gotten conflicting responses from these advertisers, so we do not know how much they are blowing smoke for the radicals over at Color of Change out of fear of Van Jones, Obama BFF and self-described "black nationalist" and "Communist" who somehow got appointed as "Green Jobs Czar".
Jones a civil rights lawyer is also the founder of California's Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, "a non-profit agency for justice, opportunities and peace."
The Ella Baker Center was connected to STORM (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement), a "multi-racial activist collective with Marxist influences" with which Jones was involved.
In 1992, Van Jones founded another STORM project, Bay Area Police Watch, a "hotline and lawyer-referral service for victims and survivors of police abuse." This is fitting, perhaps, since Jones was himself arrested and detained briefly during a protest after the Rodney King verdict that same year.
This is what I need to be a part of really radical: communists and anarchists
Jones told the East Bay Express in 2005: "I met all these young radical people of color - I mean really radical: communists and anarchists. And it was, like,' I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary."
Obama like anyone is to be understood by the friends and staff he gets advice from. Obama has transformed his friend Jones from radical activist to Establishment insider. Only an amateur left-wing administration would put a self-described communist in charge of creating jobs.
Norman Thomas, six time Socialist candidate for POTUS, said, "The American people will ... under the name of liberalism... adopt every fragment of the socialist program, The Democratic Party has adopted our socialist platform."
Representatives of Procter & Gamble and AT&T - listed by Color of Change as companies that had signed onto the boycott - told The Times that their companies did not run spots on Beck's program to begin with."
Fox News spokesman said the boycott has not impacted the network's revenues or Beck's audience,
The advertisers referenced have all moved their spots from Beck to other programs on the network so there has been no revenue lost.
The uproar started after Prof. Gates and President Obama made fools of themselves over a policeman doing his job. Beck on an appearance on the morning show, "Fox & Friends," simply stated what most conservatives now believe. Beck made and observation about Obama, based on the Gates issue, of having "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture."
"This guy is, I believe, a racist," Beck added.
The uproar that followed did not dampen Beck's viewership. This month, his show has averaged 2.25 million viewers, and his ratings are up from July, when Beck's program averaged 2.05 million viewers. Supporter's and believer's websites have called for viewers to fight back against the advertising boycott. Many media veterans have denounced Van Jones' tactic as a suppression of free speech.
Glenn is exposing all of this and Obama is trying to shut him down through accusations of racism by Color of Change.
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