From: Socialism Alerts Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009
House Democratic leaders will moved a "resolution of disapproval" against Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), following through on their threat to sanction Joe Wilson and his Constitutional Right to Free Speech for calling Obama a liar.
Barack Hussein Obama DID Lie In His Speech - Last week, President Obama stood in front of a joint session of Congress -- and LIED.
He LIED when he said they weren't planning to set up "end-of-life panels" -- his cronies have promoted the idea for a long time now. He LIED when he said his "reforms" wouldn't insure illegal aliens -- it has been clearly shown that there would be NO WAY to prevent this from happening. He LIED when he said that his "government option" health care plan would not force taxpayers to pay for abortions -- the Obama-backed House bill would explicitly authorize the federal government insurance plan to pay for elective abortions and would explicitly authorize taxpayer subsidies for private abortion insurance.
One Congressman couldn't take the LIES any more. One Congressman had heard America's Commander-In-Chief tell LIE after LIE after LIE... and had enough. He finally couldn't hold back his righteous anger any longer -- the anger felt by MILLIONS of his fellow citizens -- and so he blurted out the "phrase heard 'round the world"... YOU LIE!
Barack Hussein Obama DID Lie In His Speech - Last week, President Obama stood in front of a joint session of Congress -- and LIED.

One Congressman couldn't take the LIES any more. One Congressman had heard America's Commander-In-Chief tell LIE after LIE after LIE... and had enough. He finally couldn't hold back his righteous anger any longer -- the anger felt by MILLIONS of his fellow citizens -- and so he blurted out the "phrase heard 'round the world"... YOU LIE!
This week, in Washington, D.C we saw the 2-million-strong 9-12 Rally on Saturday. I can tell you something that I heard LOUD AND CLEAR this week: Joe Wilson is the New American Hero.
Amidst all of the signs in that sea of patriots, which said everything from "ObamaCare Makes Me Sick" to "It's the Constitution, Stupid" to "If You Think Healthcare Is Expensive Now, Wait 'Till It's Free" to "Read The Bill!" -- plus more "Don't Tread On Me" flags than could counted -- there was one repeated theme, over and over again, on sign after sign after sign: YOU LIE!
Now, we need to be clear here. Rep. Wilson did not plan to shout out in the middle of Barack Obama's speech. As he said later, he had a "town hall moment." He did not plan to violate Congressional decorum, or anything along those lines. Everyone, including Rep. Wilson, knows that he should not have disrespected the office of the President by responding in that manner in that setting. And after it happened, the first thing he did following the speech was to call the President and the Vice President and apologize for blurting out like that. Both of them accepted his apology graciously and immediately.
But that wasn't enough for the minions of Nancy Pelosi. Even though she first said that there would be NO retribution against Rep. Wilson, it soon became apparent that she, too, was LYING.
This is typical liberal Democrat politics, plain and simple. The demands for rebuking Rep. Wilson were coming from two main sources: the Congressional Black Caucus, which is trying to make ANY disagreement with Barack Obama's plans for socialism into a "race" issue (when it's obvious that nothing could be further from the truth); and House Majority Whip James Clyburn, a Democrat from -- surprise! -- South Carolina whose own Congressional district is next to Wilson's. It's obvious to everyone that any "resolution of disapproval" would show that Democrats only want to play politics and, as usual, divert attention from their attempts in Congress to force a government takeover of healthcare.
Amidst all of the signs in that sea of patriots, which said everything from "ObamaCare Makes Me Sick" to "It's the Constitution, Stupid" to "If You Think Healthcare Is Expensive Now, Wait 'Till It's Free" to "Read The Bill!" -- plus more "Don't Tread On Me" flags than could counted -- there was one repeated theme, over and over again, on sign after sign after sign: YOU LIE!

But that wasn't enough for the minions of Nancy Pelosi. Even though she first said that there would be NO retribution against Rep. Wilson, it soon became apparent that she, too, was LYING.
This is typical liberal Democrat politics, plain and simple. The demands for rebuking Rep. Wilson were coming from two main sources: the Congressional Black Caucus, which is trying to make ANY disagreement with Barack Obama's plans for socialism into a "race" issue (when it's obvious that nothing could be further from the truth); and House Majority Whip James Clyburn, a Democrat from -- surprise! -- South Carolina whose own Congressional district is next to Wilson's. It's obvious to everyone that any "resolution of disapproval" would show that Democrats only want to play politics and, as usual, divert attention from their attempts in Congress to force a government takeover of healthcare.
Former Congressional Candidate Bill Greene from Georgia spoke at the rally and said "I thank God for Congressman Wilson to have the courage to say, 'YOU LIE'!" In fact, the response was so overwhelming, the Washington Post had to print it in their coverage of that day!
Why has the response to Joe Wilson's simple two-word shout-out been so strong? Because he's right -- and it needed to be said.

These Members of Congress weren't used to having to actually FACE us -- and you could tell: yelling at their own constituents, taking cell phone calls so they can ignore audience members' statements, planting FAKE doctors in the audience to support ObamaCare, removing audience members when they demand to know WHERE in the Constitution it even gives government the right to take over our health care system -- these so-called "representatives" were suddenly faced by their actual constituents, instead of being able to hide in their offices in DC. Now, they've run back to DC -- but this past week, Americans followed them there. They can run, but they can't hide!
Defend America, Alan Gottlieb, AmeriPAC, President and Founder
P.S. Rep. Wilson been under attack by the leftists for months because of his opposition to their policies, especially government-run healthcare. They've run commercials in his home district and flooded his office with phone calls and protestors. They've done everything they can to quiet his very vocal opposition to more government interference in our lives. Now, it's gotten even worse. After Obama's speech, the liberals used Rep. Wilson's outburst as a rallying cry behind his Democratic opponent. Some of the nation's most liberal online activists helped him raise over one million dollars in just a few short hours. Thankfully, patriotic conservatives have also donated in support of Wilson's campaign to fight back against them.
THIS BRAZEN POLITICAL POWER PLAY BY LIBERALS IS OUTRAGEOUS -- and it MUST be stopped! Send your faxes right away to make sure these Representatives get a STRONG message, to REJECT any attempt to formally rebuke Rep. Joe Wilson -- Thank you!
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