From: robert harrold To: the blog Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 12:18 AM
Original Subject: Congressman's petition: Healthcare For congressmen & Senators
I've cut way down on the amount of email that I create or forward. I was sending to much email and it was annoying to some folks and filled up their inboxes.... so, now I still read, update, and forward most all of it but to my blog here at
It takes a while to edit the layouts on some of the emails to get'em to fit on the blog page but now folks can subscribe to get email notices of new blog posts, they can simply visit here and read or choose not to. The postings are mostly from email that I receive from others, some newsletter subscriptions plus my occasional opines and email that I generate.
It's surprising...well, maybe not, that anti-o'who? email & blog posts run about a thousand to one anti-o'who?. Even during the worst of Bush's days, negative email wasn't skewed so dramatically. Almost all Pro-o'messiah emails appear to be 'paid for' by o'minions. 'The Man' is standing on feet of clay.
I, like all Americans, support the Office of the President and hope and support any of his goals that better us as a Nation; however, there's something's amiss in Washington.
At first, I dismissed it to youth'n vigor on his part but now I'm becoming convinced that something sinister may be afoot. The obvious anti-Christian pro-death abortion position, the obvious assault (no pun intended) on the 2nd Amendment and against the United States Constitution generally was to be expected from a leftist democrat kook plus his re-birth of the health issue fits in line with Democrat cradle-to-grave "Great Society" crap that Lyndon Johnson foisted on America in the tradition of the great socialist FDR; however, using o'who?'s own words, 'Judge me by the people who surround me.' was foretelling of his plans to "change" America to Amerika.
I, like all Americans, support the Office of the President and hope and support any of his goals that better us as a Nation; however, there's something's amiss in Washington.
At first, I dismissed it to youth'n vigor on his part but now I'm becoming convinced that something sinister may be afoot. The obvious anti-Christian pro-death abortion position, the obvious assault (no pun intended) on the 2nd Amendment and against the United States Constitution generally was to be expected from a leftist democrat kook plus his re-birth of the health issue fits in line with Democrat cradle-to-grave "Great Society" crap that Lyndon Johnson foisted on America in the tradition of the great socialist FDR; however, using o'who?'s own words, 'Judge me by the people who surround me.' was foretelling of his plans to "change" America to Amerika.
Who would have thought, and how can his worshippers ignore, his putting communists, marxists, socialists and avowed anarchist anti-Americans in places of power inside the White House (calling them czars...'till he realized that 'commie' was being attached to his choice of titles) should be frightening to any one who has even a marginal sense of American History and Heritage. I repeat from an earlier blog entry of mine, "Where's Senator Joe McCarthy when you need him?"
Just this week, in our local newspaper "The Imperial Valley Press", (I've been told/haven't seen it yet.) ran a full page ad against positions of Governor Schwarzenegger's. It was alleged to be published and paid for by the former ACORN, now renamed or reborn in a 21st Century version of "brown shirts" called SEIU. Guess how many hundreds of millions of our tax dollars are funneled to these front-organizations of o'who? by him and his leftist fellow travelers in Congress?
Here's an example of o'bamastapo tactics, re-posted from another web site:
Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting
I guess the Democrats were right after all. At a town meeting held by a Democrat congressman, a rowdy group of organized and angry thugs showed up to make a point about ObamaCare, and then beat up a man. Race was involved, too: the victim was black — attacked by a man yelling racial slurs.
It's every Democrat talking point you've read about in the last day or two, come to life in an ugly fashion. With one twist. The black victim was a conservative, and the assailants may well have been union thugs:
Kenneth Gladney, a 38-year-old conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with "Don't tread on me" printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room of the St. John's Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was waiting to be treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face that he suffered in the attack. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack started."It just seems there's no freedom of speech without being attacked," he said.
Not when you have angry mobs of left-wing extremists around . . .
Thanks to Thomas A. & UPDATE by DRJ, adding video:
I could go on and ad nauseum about 'the men behind The Man's meteoric rise to stardom'; about his natural born citizen claim; his being mentored by a Marxist father figure; how, through a series of phone calls originating from the mid-East to London to Texas led to his having Harvard alumni vouch for his acceptance; how a self proclaimed street pot-head turned from rags to riches so-to-speak; how he began organizing an 'army' of street people; his 'community organizing' communist & anarchist co-conspirators; his fake Christianity (regretfully espoused by many other 'so called' Christians) which allows him to advocate baby killing; his strange & suspect fascination with disarming otherwise law abiding citizens; his campaign 'war chest' funding overflowing with donations in order to stay below audit requirements; his about face on federal campaign money (read audits); not saluting the American flag; won't wear "that pin"; and his 'blitzkrieg' political tactics; seeding ideas to police that 'conservative gun owning church going flag waving white Americans' are to be considered 'terrorists' (while he bows to a Saudi King); speaks native-like Arabic honoring Ramadan (Remember, "We're not a Christian Nation any more."); and his 'behind-the-scenes' "beer hall putsch" tactics putting o'who? loyalists in positions of power as 'czars' thereby circumventing any legislative oversite; and his 'calling for a civilian security force' (Remember his 'community armies?'); couple these forewarnings with his clumsy attempt to indoctrinate K-12 school kids to 'support the President'; all the while espousing 'rob Peter to pay Paul' o'bamanamics; ...there's so much negative rhetoric that even some right-thinking Americans are becoming enurred to the incessant background noise building against "The One", his policies, and his Congressional parrots.
...well, ...unlike a bootlicking media-spineless wimp (whom I once respected), Chris Matthews, who exclaimed in a fit of o'messiah worship during an obama-gasm on air when he blurted out "My, I felt this thrill going up my leg..", ...well, I too feel something -- fear.
Often I add quotes such as:
"... my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews." (Adolf Hitler, 1922)
"The first thing I'd do, as president, is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do." (Obama, 2007)
"I could smell the babies burning." (Tiller's crematorium staff, 1993)
"... my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews." (Adolf Hitler, 1922)
"The first thing I'd do, as president, is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do." (Obama, 2007)
"I could smell the babies burning." (Tiller's crematorium staff, 1993)
[ Negroes, Jews, the unfit & unwanted...beware ]
"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."
-- Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet, 1694-1778)
"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence."
"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence."
-- Charles A. Beard (American Historian, (1874-1948)
"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."
"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."
-- George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair, 1903–1950)
in order that concerns can be recalled:
"How some people were once designated as "special classes and disarmed" later got "special treatment" ...right into the ovens."
"Criticism of the o'government marks you as 'domestic terrorist suspect.'
"The White House asks people to report negative or 'suspicious/fishy' communications directly to them in Washington."
"During Katrina, local police and the National Guard threw the Constitution in the trash and tried to disarm the whole populace, from 'granny to red-neck.'
As more o'truths float to the surface, it is amazes me more and more as to how so many lunatic 'Let'em eat cake." Senators and Congressmen whose very families witnessed the rise tryanny in Germany under the Nazi's and in Russia under the Marxist/Lenists during the Stalin era and whose own family members were stripped of all their worldly possessions and their very humanity, who were humilated, shot, gassed, tortured, defiled, experimented on, and burned by the millions ...can still babble-o'speak their way thoughout the halls of Congress like so many characters from "Alice in Wonderland."
"During Katrina, local police and the National Guard threw the Constitution in the trash and tried to disarm the whole populace, from 'granny to red-neck.'
As more o'truths float to the surface, it is amazes me more and more as to how so many lunatic 'Let'em eat cake." Senators and Congressmen whose very families witnessed the rise tryanny in Germany under the Nazi's and in Russia under the Marxist/Lenists during the Stalin era and whose own family members were stripped of all their worldly possessions and their very humanity, who were humilated, shot, gassed, tortured, defiled, experimented on, and burned by the millions ...can still babble-o'speak their way thoughout the halls of Congress like so many characters from "Alice in Wonderland."
And, how blind are the "He's a'gonna pays my house note." fools among the black majority who lined up like cattle to 'cast the vote' for "The One." I've not gotten my 'Obama check' and I suspect neither will they. The very blacks who are oblivious to the fact that 25% of their race has been murdered by the very profit-mill abortionists that shoveled money into o'bamacide's election coffers (...another 'no pun intended.')
Regretfully, unlike the fairy tale, there's no happy ending in sight before the 2010 & 2012 & 2016 elections for the "It can't happen here." fable we're living now.
An observation: Of the 42 Black Representatives 42 are Democrats.
Of the 1 Black Senator 1 is Democrat.
Of the 13 Jewish Senators 12 are Democrats, 1 is Independent
Of the 31 Jewish Representatives 30 are Democrats, 1 is Republican
"Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark."
• Play
"7 Days in May," (1964) Movie Sound Bite: General Scott on Patriotism
more ""American Founding Fathers' & Traditional American Values" quotes at:

more ""American Founding Fathers' & Traditional American Values" quotes at:
related, America's Final

Many are unaware of Planned Parenthood founder Sanger's "Negro Project," "the eugenic plan to limit — or exterminate — the black race and others "unfit to reproduce." [ apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation [in camps] to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring." [ force if necessary.] "..during 1933 in Sanger's The Birth Control Review (immediate predecessor to the Planned Parenthood Review) an article by Ernst Rudin (1874-1952) was published entitled, "Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need." Rudin was Adolph Hitler's director of genetic sterilization and a founder of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene. (Various references in Grand Illusions) History documents that Sanger supported the Nazi Party philosophies." [
Planned Parenthood's Nazi roots
] ; and -eugenical race-purification by prevention of births to parents from 'inferior' blood stocks ('birth control societies'). "Before the Auschwitz death camp became a household word, these British-American-European groups called openly for the elimination of the 'unfit' by means including force and violence." **

Remember 9.11 & 7.7 and Waco/Ruby Ridge
· Those who were murdered
· Those who defend us
· and, those who have and who would kill us
Be Heard: Contact the U.S. government & the Media via
U.S. SENATORS' toll free numbers: 877-851-6437 & 866-220-0044 or (toll) 202-225-3121
U.S. HOUSE of Representatives: 202-224-3121
· Those who were murdered
· Those who defend us
· and, those who have and who would kill us
Be Heard: Contact the U.S. government & the Media via
U.S. SENATORS' toll free numbers: 877-851-6437 & 866-220-0044 or (toll) 202-225-3121
U.S. HOUSE of Representatives: 202-224-3121
PRESIDENT of the United States: 202-456-1111 & 202-456-1414
Bob,From: rb Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 Subject: Re: Congressman's petition: Healthcare For congressmen & Senators
I enjoy the info you send me, I know you put a tremendous amount it of effort into it, thanks. FYI, you still have Kennedy listed. Take care.
From: claudia Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009Healthcare For congressmen & Senators
Congressman John Fleming (a Louisiana physician) has proposed an amendment that would require congressmen and senators to take the same healthcare plan they provide us ( under proposed legislation they [ those in Congress, our representatives? ] are specifically, curiously & conspicuously exempt.)Congressman Fleming is encouraging people to go on his Website and click "yes" to sign his petition (very simple - just first, last and email).
Please urge as many people as you can to do the same! If Congress legislates this, all Congressmen should have to accept the same level of health care for themselves and their families.
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