January 7, 2010 – In 2009, Americans got a good taste of "hope" and "change" – and clearly they don't like it.
If you have a heart attack it is a change but not for the better. When Obama promised change in his campaign, clearly many Americans had no idea of how quickly things could have gotten so bad.
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High on his list of needed "changes" were undermining fundamental American principles such as those in the U.S. Constitution and Christianity in America.
President Barack Hussein Obama quickly showed how truly extreme he is. He spent the first several months of his presidency traveling throughout the world on his "apology tour" – to apologize for America's greatness, our economic strength, and our war on Islamic terrorism. Read More - Share This
Obama's 666 International Police Order By TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty
January 7, 2010 – On December 16, 2009, President Obama secretly signed an Executive Order 12425 (EO) that gives Interpol unprecedented access in America to pursue and prosecute "criminals." We may as well have given Interpol a badge with 666 on it. The EO exempts Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) from being accountable to our own law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI. Without any fanfare, President Obama has signed an Executive Order that undermines our national sovereignty to benefit a foreign police organization
Where's That Big Table And C-SPAN Cameras, President Obama? By TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty
January 7, 2010 – Brian Lamb, the man behind the creation of C-SPAN, has just caused a firestorm of controversy on Capitol Hill by calling upon President Obama and House and Senate leaders to keep one of Obama's campaign promises for open and transparent government.
Brian Lamb has done an excellent job of providing a balanced platform for Americans to view the political process and express their point of view. I don't remember this ever happening before. The reason the press has jumped on this is because Lamb has spoken out against the Congress or the process.
Clearly, Lamb felt that the process was so corrupt, that he had to speak out about it.
Read More - Share ThisDemocrats Hold Secret Meetings On Health Care
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) apparently didn't hear Obama promise to have open, televised discussions about health care reform. Instead, they are meeting in secret conferences and excluding Republicans from any input into the health care debate. Democrats are also going to deliberately avoid the conference committee process, where Republicans and Democrats gather from the House and Senate to work out differences between the Senate and House versions of Obamacare. January 7, 2010 – During President Obama's campaign for the presidency in August, 2008, he made this statement: "I'm going to have all the negotiations around a big table. We'll have negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies."
Obama Appoints She-Male To Commerce Post
He has just appointed Amanda Simpson to become a Senior Technical Advisor at the Department of Commerce. Simpson, is a male-to-female person who used to be a test pilot and worked for Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona. Simpson ran unsuccessfully for Congress and was a delegate for Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) during the the Democratic National Convention in 2008. January 7, 2010 – President Obama may be breaking most of his campaign promises to Americans, but he's keeping his promises to gays, lesbians, bisexuals and she-males (euphemistically known as "transgenders").
Federal Judge Engineers Gay Marriage Show Trial In California
The significance of this revision was noted by Ed Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Whelan outlines how Walker wants to turn this trial on Proposition 8 into a gay version of the Scopes monkey trial in Tennessee in 1925. The Scopes trial was engineered by the ACLU to get evolution taught in public schools alongside the biblical account of creation. January 7, 2010 – Judge Vaughn Walker, the chief judge of the Northern California District of California, issued a notice on December 31 asking for public comment on revising a rule against televised courtroom hearings. The comment period only lasts until January 8 – barely enough time for anyone to even know about the proposed change in court proceedings.
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