As California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger -- once a proponent of ObamaCare and certainly no staunch conservative -- said recently, the so-called health care "reform" bill has become nothing more than "a trough of bribes, deals and loopholes."
That was putting it nicely. The truth is, the process that Obama and Democrat leaders are employing in their efforts to put the government in charge of one-sixth of the nation's economy -- your family's health care decisions -- is perhaps the most corrupt and non-transparent process in the history of our great nation.
In fact, Obama, Pelosi and Reid are so intent on keeping ObamaCare behind closed doors - out of sight from the American people -- that they are going to bypass a conference committee process altogether to try to avoid more public opposition as they seek to combine the House and Senate versions of ObamaCare.
The New York Post summed up what is going on this way:
"Congressional Democrats plan to take final negotiations on the massive health-care overhaul behind closed doors - far from the prying eyes of the public and most lawmakers."
Forget transparency... forget a recent request by C-SPAN to televise further ObamaCare proceedings (something the President himself promised on numerous occasions)... forget about the American people knowing what's in this next ObamaCare offering before it comes up for a final vote in the House and the Senate.
The Heritage Foundation was more blunt in describing the situation:
"These secret meetings will not be a 'traditional conference committee,' nor will they be a conference committee in any sense of the term. The only individuals allowed in the room will be those invited by both the House and Senate Leadership. Why the secrecy? Pelosi and Reid want to be sure they can secure the votes they need to pass the bill again."
Why the secrecy?
That's easy... operating behind thick and guarded doors... utilizing intimidation, political payoffs and ideological fanaticism... that's the only way that Obama, Pelosi and Reid will be able to jam ObamaCare down the throats of the American people.
But we're not going to let them get away with it.
They can meet in secret all they want, but with your help, we will derail their ObamaCare train once and for all.
Damn the Transparency... Full Speed Ahead
Remember when then-candidate Obama made repeated promises to "broadcast [all health care] negotiations on C-SPAN so that the American people can see what the choices are?" Remember when Obama promised that he would "not [have] negotiating behind closed doors."
In fact, as documented by Andrew Breitbart on his website Breitbart.tv, the President made such promises to the American people on at least eight separate occasions during his campaign.
Yet, it's now clear (if it wasn't already) that Obama, Pelosi and Reid never had any intention of broadcasting this process on C-SPAN. They never had any intention of allowing the American people access to and input in the process at all.
Recognizing such deceitfulness by our so-called elected leaders, even the Chairman and CEO of C-SPAN, Brian Lamb, has stated that his network was used as "a political football during the campaign." Indeed, when Lamb sent a letter to Obama and Congressional leaders recently requesting they make good on their promises and air "all important negotiations" on health care from this point forward on C-SPAN for the public to see, Obama, Pelosi and Reid decided to just ignore it.
All we have is yet more secrecy... more behind-the-scenes arm-twisting... more back-room, closed-door deal making.
As the editorial board of Las Vegas Review-Journal wrote:
"What Americans don't know -- and what they won't get to see -- is how far Sen. Reid and Rep. Pelosi will go to get what they want. Taxpaying voters will be cut off from the decisive debate on a monstrous increase in consumer costs and federal authority. Can senators and representatives defend the economically impossible concepts they embrace -- more health care, lower costs -- in spontaneous, free-flowing discussions? Or will they simply push forward a slip of paper with the dollar amount needed to secure their support, as Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., already has?"
Of course, what the Review-Journal was referring to with that last sentence was the sweetheart deal now known as the "Cornhusker Kickback" used to buy Nelson's vote in the Senate.
What's being "compromised" is the integrity of the legislative process and this great nation.
Three people, Obama, Reid and Pelosi, are thumbing their noses at the American people... as they play a sick little game with the health and well-being of millions of Americans.
But understand this: all the secrecy isn't a sign of the left's confidence. It's a sign of their fear that ObamaCare won't pass.
Let's make their worst fears come true. If we don't stop ObamaCare now, we won't be able to repeal it after it has passed.
Your urgent, personalized blast faxes will be visible, tangible and effective... communications that our elected officials won't be able to ignore.
Let's tell Obama, Reid and Pelosi we know exactly what they're up to and that the American people are not going to take it anymore.
Let's defeat ObamaCare right here and right now!
Obama, Reid and Pelosi Are Waging War Against Individual Liberty
Opinion surveys show Americans increasingly despise ObamaCare, but still the liberals slog forward as if the "consent of the governed" is meaningless.
Why not debate important issues in regular sessions of Congress?
Because, as the Heritage Foundation points out, "they don't want the public to see the work they're doing...."
When elected officials are afraid of the people they supposedly represent, our Republic has become dysfunctional.
Secret deals, strong-arm tactics and stifling dissent are the liberals' new strategies, and those who oppose ObamaCare somehow don't count.
Charles Krauthammer spoke for all of us when he wrote in the Washington Post:
"The bill is irredeemable. It should not only be defeated. It should be immolated, its ashes scattered over the Senate swimming pool."
Obama, Reid and Pelosi want to keep their dirty dealings out of public view because they're hiding a fundamental truth: that ObamaCare basically has nothing to do with improving health care for you and your family.
National Review's Andrew McCarthy summed up what's really at stake:
"Democrats want to repeal individual liberty; move one-sixth of the private sector into the same government-controlled model that has produced bankruptcy in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid; add additional trillions to the already exploded national debt; and they want to do it all right now -- no discovery, no settlement negotiations . . . no delays."
In a normal legislative process, ObamaCare would fail. That's why this current exercise in secrecy and thuggery is anything but normal.
Why all the machinations? Because Obama, Pelosi and Reid know ObamaCare is hanging by a thread.
Now it's up to you... tell our elected officials the unvarnished truth... that ObamaCare is toxic to America's health... and destructive to the political futures of those who support it.
A Sobering Choice: We Kill ObamaCare... Or It Kills Us
If Obama, Pelosi, and Reid were secure in what they're doing, they wouldn't be operating behind closed doors... with the shades drawn... and dissenting voices excluded.
They're petrified that Republicans will stand firm and a few Democrats will jump ship. If (when) that happens, ObamaCare is dead.
For Obama and cronies, it's all about seizing and retaining power over us... nothing more... nothing less.
For the American people, however, reforming health care is a serious issue. It's literally a matter of how well we live... and how long we live.
Andrew McCarthy again: "Kill Obamacare, or it will end up killing you."
ObamaCare will kill you and those you care about by making second-rate health care mandatory.
It will kill you by putting life-and-death decisions not in your hands and your physician's hands, but in the hands of an anonymous bureaucrat in Washington.
Obama keeps droning on about an "historic moment." But as Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) explained prior to the Christmas Eve vote on the Senate's version of ObamaCare:
"This [Senate] vote is indeed historic. This Congress will be remembered for its arrogance, corruption and stupidity. ... Congress ignored the coming economic storm and impending bankruptcy of our entitlement programs and embarked on an ideological crusade to bring our nation as close to single-payer, government-run health care as possible. If this bill becomes law, future generations will rue this day...."
Frankly, even many Democrats are aware Coburn is right.
Case in point... the recent "retirement" announcements from Senators Byron Dorgan and Chris Dodd.
Political analyst Dick Morris sums up those announcements this way:
"The retirements of Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Byron Dorgan of North Dakota are the latest evidence that the Democrats understand what they have done to their party by following Obama's radical agenda. That they both lack the courage to face the music for their own roles in this debacle says more about their character than their ideology."
Make no mistake... you are having a profound impact on this debate... our elected officials are getting the message loud and clear.
Dodd and Dorgan would rather fall on their swords than face the political torture that is to come (courtesy of the American people); and they won't be the last ones to run from the sinking ship that is ObamaCare.
Dodd's and Dorgan's actions are proof that we are winning this battle over ObamaCare.
But the job is not done. We must still convince Republicans in Congress and a handful of Democrats (who are, thanks to your efforts, already inclined to vote against ObamaCare) to stand firm and do the right thing.
It's a challenge, but not impossible. Democrats from conservative districts know full well that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are ordering them to walk the electoral plank.
Your urgent, personalized blast faxes will remind key federal legislators that they work for us... the American people.
With your help, we will win this monumental fight.
Yours In Freedom, Jeff Mazzella, President, Center for Individual Freedom
Center for Individual Freedom, 917-B King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 (703)-535-5836 - Fax:(703)-535-5838
Center for Individual Freedom, 917-B King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 (703)-535-5836 - Fax:(703)-535-5838
CFIF is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.
Contributions to CFIF are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions may be deductible as a business expense.
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