Pro-Life News Report
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit |
• Obama's Budget Contains Massive Funding of Abortion, Planned Parenthood
• Abortion Advocates Rebuked for Saying Pam Tebow Lying About Pregnancy
• Pro-Life Advocates Gather at CBS to Show Support for Tebow Super Bowl Ad
• Christian Doctors Group Says Abstinence Study Conforms to What Parents Want
• Taxpayers Forced to Fund Abortions But Not to Send Kids to Good Schools
• Catholic Campaign for Human Development's Ties Pro-Abortion Group Blasted
• Nine Year-Old Girl in China Causes Shock, Gives Birth to Healthy Baby Boy
• Pennsylvania Abortions Rise Sharply in 2008, Blacks and Hispanics Have More
• Minnesota Pro-Life Group Upset Al Franken Speaking at NARAL Pro-Roe Event
• Mississippi Pro-Lifers File Lawsuit to Get Personhood Amendment on Ballot
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Obama's New Budget Contains Massive Funding of Abortion, Planned Parenthood
Washington, DC ( -- President Barack Obama released his FY 2011 budget on Monday and it contains provisions that will force Americans to pay for abortions in the United States and promoting abortion abroad. The budget takes advantage of Congress having overturned the ban on abortion funding in the nation's capital.
Obama's FY 2010 budget contained a new policy allowing public funding for abortion in the District of Columbia and Congress eventually approved overturning the Dornan amendment that had long banned funding.
Page 1248 of Obama's proposed budget requests that public funding for abortion in the District of Columbia be continued.
As was the case last year, the Obama budget also proposes overturning another ban on abortion funding -- concerning the Legal Services Corporation.
Congress has previously approved budgets that retain a long-standing prohibition on the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to lower-income Americans, providing legal counseling to any person or entity "that participates in any litigation with respect to abortion."
Page 1284 of the proposed budget Obama submitted to Congress includes a change to that law that would result in LSC funds going to people or groups that engage in abortion litigation. Full story at

Obama's FY 2010 budget contained a new policy allowing public funding for abortion in the District of Columbia and Congress eventually approved overturning the Dornan amendment that had long banned funding.
Page 1248 of Obama's proposed budget requests that public funding for abortion in the District of Columbia be continued.
As was the case last year, the Obama budget also proposes overturning another ban on abortion funding -- concerning the Legal Services Corporation.
Congress has previously approved budgets that retain a long-standing prohibition on the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to lower-income Americans, providing legal counseling to any person or entity "that participates in any litigation with respect to abortion."
Page 1284 of the proposed budget Obama submitted to Congress includes a change to that law that would result in LSC funds going to people or groups that engage in abortion litigation. Full story at
Abortion Advocates Rebuked for Saying Pam Tebow Lying About PregnancyACTION: Contact your member of the House at and urge opposition to the Obama budget because of its abortion funding. You can also call 202-224-3121 to reach any House member.

Feminist attorney Gloria Allred started off the campaign to discredit Tebow, who appears in a new Focus on the Family Super Bowl ad with her son, the star college football player.
The ad reportedly will share the Tebow birth story of how Tebow was on a missions trip to the Philippines and, when she contracted dysentery from tainted food or water, she took heavy medication and her doctor suggested an abortion because the drugs could harm her baby.
She refused and Tebow has gone on to win the Heisman Trophy and lead the Florida Gators to a national championship.
Today, in an email obtained from the Feminist Majority Foundation, one of the original groups to call on CBS to cancel the ad, the allegation continues.
"The implicit suggestion that pregnant women whose health is at risk shouldn't worry because nothing bad will happen is downright dangerous, even if the story is true," FMF president Kim Gandy contends. Full story at
Pro-Life Advocates Gather at CBS to Show Support for Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad
New York, NY ( -- Dozens of pro-life advocates showed up for a rally today supporting the decision by CBS to air the Focus on the Family Super Bowl commercial featuring Tim Tebow. The ad focuses on Pam Tebow's decision not to have an abortion when pregnant with Time despite a debilitating medical condition.
The story of Tebow's birth is inspiring millions of Americans already who know of his prowess on the football field and are glad his mother chose life over abortion.
The pro-life groups Christian Defense Coalition, Expectant Mother Care and Generation Life sponsored the rally and pro-life advocate Brandi Swindell emailed about it.
"We are joining with hundreds of thousands of Americans who have signed petitions and joined on-line groups applauding the decision of CBS to air a pro-life ad featuring Tim Tebow and his mother Pam," she said.
"The National Organization for Women and other pro-abortion groups have shown disdain and open hostility toward women who choose to keep their children and refuse to have abortions. Their hysterical rants and anger over this ad of a woman simply sharing her own personal story to embrace life, shows these groups have no regard for either women or the concept of choice," she said.
Swindell said the groups felt it important to put together a supportive rally when, in many cases, there is much to gripe about concerning the mainstream media's treatment of abortion. Full story at
Christian Doctors Group Says Abstinence Study Conforms to What Parents Want
Washington, DC ( -- A national Christian doctors organization is applauding a new study showing how abstinence education is more effective than either comprehensive sexual education or teaching only about contraception. They say the results coincide with polling data showing parents favor teaching their children abstinence.
Dr. David Stevens, the head of the 16,000-member Christian Medical Association, said he appreciated the new study, published in the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine.
Science has finally caught up with logic and what parents have known for centuries by empirically demonstrating that equipping teens to abstain from sexual activity is an effective way to prevent teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases," he said.
Stevens told "It is notable that John B. Jemmott III, the University of Pennsylvania professor who led the federally funded study, candidly admitted, 'I think we've written off abstinence-only education without looking closely at the nature of the evidence.'" Full story at

Dr. David Stevens, the head of the 16,000-member Christian Medical Association, said he appreciated the new study, published in the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine.
Science has finally caught up with logic and what parents have known for centuries by empirically demonstrating that equipping teens to abstain from sexual activity is an effective way to prevent teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases," he said.
Stevens told "It is notable that John B. Jemmott III, the University of Pennsylvania professor who led the federally funded study, candidly admitted, 'I think we've written off abstinence-only education without looking closely at the nature of the evidence.'" Full story at
Taxpayers Forced to Fund Abortions But Not to Send Kids to Good Schools
by Dr. Paul Kengor
In my last article, a somber remembrance of Roe v. Wade, I called attention to something that shocked readers: I noted that the Obama administration and Democratic Congress "rejected funding for school vouchers for poor children in Washington, DC, but supported funding for abortions for the mothers of those children."
The contrast is breathtaking, but true. It's another jolt to traditionally minded voters—especially pro-life Democrats and independents—who voted for "change" on November 4, 2008, and are now absorbing the change they authorized. In this case, the change stands in stark contrast to previous administrations and Congresses that prohibited federal funds to finance abortions in the District of Columbia. It veers well beyond liberals' assurance that abortion merely be "safe, legal, and rare."
If you didn't hear about this until now, don't be surprised. Over 300,000 pro-lifers marched in Washington last month without notice by the mainstream media. So, I'd like to take a moment to explain what happened:
Last summer, in July 2009, the overwhelmingly Democratic House of Representatives narrowly passed (by a vote of 219-208) a bill permitting the D.C. government to use locally raised tax revenues to provide abortions, reversing a long-standing prohibition. Full story at
by Dr. Paul Kengor

The contrast is breathtaking, but true. It's another jolt to traditionally minded voters—especially pro-life Democrats and independents—who voted for "change" on November 4, 2008, and are now absorbing the change they authorized. In this case, the change stands in stark contrast to previous administrations and Congresses that prohibited federal funds to finance abortions in the District of Columbia. It veers well beyond liberals' assurance that abortion merely be "safe, legal, and rare."
If you didn't hear about this until now, don't be surprised. Over 300,000 pro-lifers marched in Washington last month without notice by the mainstream media. So, I'd like to take a moment to explain what happened:
Last summer, in July 2009, the overwhelmingly Democratic House of Representatives narrowly passed (by a vote of 219-208) a bill permitting the D.C. government to use locally raised tax revenues to provide abortions, reversing a long-standing prohibition. Full story at
by Deal Hudson

Two reports, released yesterday by the American Life League (ALL) and Bellarmine Veritas Ministry (BVM), reveal that the Center for Community Change (CCC), an organization recommended for support by the USCCB, has consistently taken positions opposed to the bishops' teachings on abortion, marriage, contraception, and sexuality.
Our bishops tell us to "lend our support" to CCC. Here is only a partial list of what these reports have revealed about the Center for Community Change. Full story at
Nine Year-Old Girl in China Causes Shock, Gives Birth to Healthy Baby Boy
Changchun, China ( -- A nine-year-old girl in China is drawing national attention today because she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, making her one of the youngest mothers on record. The girl was brought to a hospital in this northeastern Chinese city and presented as more than eight months pregnant.
Two days later the unnamed girl gave birth to a boy weighing six pounds. Doctors performed Cesarean section on the little mother after she started having contractions.
News reports indicated the family refused to discuss the circumstances of the pregnancy but the girl was reportedly raped and the sexual abuse has been reported to the police. A reporter with a Russian newspaper who reportedly obtained access to the hospital twice indicated the girl looked older than nine, but was not able to confirm that one way or the other.
China takes sexual violence seriously and any sex with a minor under the age of 14 is automatically considered rape and results in a long prison sentence. Full story at
Pennsylvania Abortions Rise Sharply in 2008, Blacks and Hispanics Have More
Harrisburg, PA ( -- Abortions in Pennsylvania rose sharply in 2008 as the nation's economy began to head south. New figures from the Pennsylvania Department of Health reveal the total number of abortions in the state rose by nearly six percent in 2008 spurred on in part by increases in abortions on black and Hispanic women.
Some 38,807 abortions were done in Pennsylvania in 2008, a 5.8 percent increase over the 2007 total of 36,663.
From 2007 to 2008, the number of abortions performed on black women rose by nearly 2,000 while the number of Hispanic abortions increased by more than 700 -- and that total increase of 2,700 more abortions eclipsed the overall increase. On the other hand, there were 109 fewer abortions performed on white women in 2008 compared to 2007.
In 2008, 41.8 percent of abortions were performed on African-American women , who comprise just 10 percent of the population of Pennsylvania.
Maria Vitale, the Education Director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, told today that "Abortion represents a Black genocide which is decimating the African-American community." Full story at
Minnesota Pro-Life Group Upset Al Franken Speaking at NARAL Pro-Roe Event
Two days later the unnamed girl gave birth to a boy weighing six pounds. Doctors performed Cesarean section on the little mother after she started having contractions.
News reports indicated the family refused to discuss the circumstances of the pregnancy but the girl was reportedly raped and the sexual abuse has been reported to the police. A reporter with a Russian newspaper who reportedly obtained access to the hospital twice indicated the girl looked older than nine, but was not able to confirm that one way or the other.
China takes sexual violence seriously and any sex with a minor under the age of 14 is automatically considered rape and results in a long prison sentence. Full story at
Pennsylvania Abortions Rise Sharply in 2008, Blacks and Hispanics Have More

Some 38,807 abortions were done in Pennsylvania in 2008, a 5.8 percent increase over the 2007 total of 36,663.
From 2007 to 2008, the number of abortions performed on black women rose by nearly 2,000 while the number of Hispanic abortions increased by more than 700 -- and that total increase of 2,700 more abortions eclipsed the overall increase. On the other hand, there were 109 fewer abortions performed on white women in 2008 compared to 2007.
In 2008, 41.8 percent of abortions were performed on African-American women , who comprise just 10 percent of the population of Pennsylvania.
Maria Vitale, the Education Director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, told today that "Abortion represents a Black genocide which is decimating the African-American community." Full story at

Frank took some heat from women's groups for his satirical jokes about women during his days as a comedian, but he's earned their support by becoming one of the most relentless campaigners for abortion on Capitol Hill.
The Center for Responsive Politics reports that Franken brought in $81,500 from pro-abortion groups during his Senate campaign, making him the candidate to receive the most direct funding from such groups other than presidential candidates, according to the Star-Tribune newspaper.
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life contacted today to air its grievances over Franken's appearance.
"Senator Franken should not be celebrating the deadly Roe v. Wade decision as keynote speaker at a NARAL luncheon," said MCCL Executive Director Scott Fischbach. "As Senator Franken rejoices over abortion in Washington today, the majority of Minnesotans oppose abortion on demand, which has resulted in the deaths of 52 million unborn children." Full story at
ACTION: Complain to Al Franken at:
Mississippi Pro-Lifers File Lawsuit to Get Personhood Amendment on Ballot
Washington, DC ( -- A Mississippi pro-life group has filed a lawsuit against state officials in order to be able to get a personhood amendment on the state ballot. Such an amendment would declare that unborn children are persons starting at conception and could overturn laws allowing abortion or human cloning.
Personhood Mississippi filed suit against Attorney General Jim Hood and Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann in their official capacities.
The group has been working since February of last year to collect signatures for a ballot access initiative that would put an amendment before state voters in 2011.
The amendment states: "The term 'person' or 'persons' shall include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the functional equivalent thereof."
The lawsuit, which will be filed by attorney Stephen Crampton today, attempts to clarify the intent of the amendment and give volunteers the full twelve months to circulate petitions as outlined by statutes and the County Clerk the time needed to correctly validate the signatures. Full story at

Personhood Mississippi filed suit against Attorney General Jim Hood and Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann in their official capacities.
The group has been working since February of last year to collect signatures for a ballot access initiative that would put an amendment before state voters in 2011.
The amendment states: "The term 'person' or 'persons' shall include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the functional equivalent thereof."
The lawsuit, which will be filed by attorney Stephen Crampton today, attempts to clarify the intent of the amendment and give volunteers the full twelve months to circulate petitions as outlined by statutes and the County Clerk the time needed to correctly validate the signatures. Full story at
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Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email |
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