Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 Subject: Citizen's Demand To Barack Obama!
Dear Fellow American,
We are suing Barack Hussein Obama to force him to release his ACTUAL birth certificate, to force him to PROVE if he is eligible to serve as President of the United States...
. Before I give you the latest news on our lawsuits, would you, FIRST, please, sign the enclosed CITIZEN'S DEMAND TO BARACK OBAMA, and return it to me today. Your Petition demands that Mr. Obama:
1) Order his lawyers to cease their legal attacks on
the United States Justice Foundation (USJF); and,
2) Immediately release his real birth certificate
to prove whether he is a "natural born citizen"
of the United States.
CLICK HERE to send your CITIZEN'S DEMAND TO BARACK OBAMA. And, please give your LARGEST GIFT POSSIBLE to meet the urgent financial needs of USJF in this grassroots effort to finally learn the TRUTH!
"We" are the United States Justice Foundation. I am its Executive Director, Gary G. Kreep.
The enclosed CITIZEN'S DEMAND is just part of a much larger grassroots and legal strategy that we are employing to ensure that the American people learn the whole truth about Barack Hussein Obama's birth and true citizenship... BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
CLICK HERE to sign the CITIZEN'S DEMAND TO BARACK OBAMA and INSTANTLY get it back to me, right now!
Our goal is to flood the White House, day-in and day-out, throughout 2010, with a sea of CITIZENS DEMANDS, calling for the immediate release of all documents about Barack Obama's birth and citizenship.
Despite what you may have heard on NBC News, or read in The New York Times, or in your local newspaper...
That, my friends, is a fact. So we, along with other concerned AMERICAN citizens, have filed a series of lawsuits to force Barack Obama to either produce his real birth certificate -- or explain why he can't.
Make no mistake: Barack Obama and his battery of lawyers are fighting back hard!
He has spent a fortune on a team of lawyers to block our every legal move!
More shamelessly, he recently unleashed an additional team of lawyers from our own, taxpayer funded, Department of Justice (DOJ) to block our legal moves!
We are up against a formidable legal and political arsenal. In fact, our most promising lawsuit in California was recently dismissed at the request of the DOJ.
However, we have just begun to fight! We are currently appealing that dismissal.
With your signed CITIZEN'S DEMAND in hand and our "Where Was President Obama Born?" documentary, we are now unleashing a second, grassroots front to counter the propaganda of the Obama controlled Media, and to alert Millions of Americans to THE TRUTH!
Because the bottom line is, the man who is now leading our nation down a socialist rat hole, more than a year after his election has still refused to release his birth certificate!
Perhaps he is hiding the fact that he may, indeed, not be a "natural born citizen"... and is thus NOT ELIGIBLE to serve as President!
That means that the disastrous, trillion dollar, so-called, "Stimulus Bill" that he signed may not be legally valid. Neither will ANY bill that he hopes to sign, imposing government-run-and-rationed health care, nationalizing banks, censoring talk radio, taxing the middle class into oblivion, striping the military of its ability to protect our country, and repealing our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms!
Ever wonder why Mr. Obama and his allies in Congress are working at breakneck speed to enact their leftist agenda? Perhaps it's because they want to transform America into a second-rate socialist nation BEFORE anyone catches on to the fact that we may not have a legitimate President!
All that Mr. Obama needs to do is to simply release his real birth certificate!!
Plain and simple, that is all he needs to do!!
But, rather than do so, Mr. Obama's lawyers and, now, the DOJ have blocked all access to the truth about his eligibility to serve as President of the United States.
Though not unexpected, these actions confirm Barack Obama's ruthless determination to destroy anyone seeking the information that the Constitution requires to establish his eligibility to serve as President. It also means that we have a major fight on our hands if we are to learn the truth in time to either put this issue to rest... or to rescue our nation from Mr. Obama's plan to drive our nation into bankruptcy and oblivion!
Which is why I have RUSHED you this urgent email . . .
And why I sincerely hope that you will sign your CITIZEN'S DEMAND TO BARACK OBAMA and that you will rush it back to me today.
Please, CLICK HERE to send your CITIZEN'S DEMAND to Barack Hussein Obama. And, your timely donation will help us in getting out THE TRUTH in all 50 states with our documentary!
We here at the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) have been fighting in court for over a year to force Mr. Obama to provide proof whether that he is constitutionally eligible to serve as President of the United States. Way before Barack Obama, we have been "Your Conservative Voice in the Courts" since our founding in 1979. Most recently, we became nationally known for our efforts to expose the corruption of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
In 2010, with your help, we can, and we will, learn the truth about Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as President BEFORE he can destroy the country that we so love.
Also, as I send you this vital email, we are appealing a separate court ruling that denied our subpoena of the records of Barack Obama from Occidental College in California.
NOW, HERE'S THE KEY TO OUR SUCCESS! We are also airing, in more and more states, our explosive documentary, "Where Was President Obama Born?". This 28-minute documentary raises questions that the Obama Media will never raise. Questions such as:
We are suing Barack Hussein Obama to force him to release his ACTUAL birth certificate, to force him to PROVE if he is eligible to serve as President of the United States...
. Before I give you the latest news on our lawsuits, would you, FIRST, please, sign the enclosed CITIZEN'S DEMAND TO BARACK OBAMA, and return it to me today. Your Petition demands that Mr. Obama:
1) Order his lawyers to cease their legal attacks on
the United States Justice Foundation (USJF); and,
2) Immediately release his real birth certificate
to prove whether he is a "natural born citizen"
of the United States.
CLICK HERE to send your CITIZEN'S DEMAND TO BARACK OBAMA. And, please give your LARGEST GIFT POSSIBLE to meet the urgent financial needs of USJF in this grassroots effort to finally learn the TRUTH!
"We" are the United States Justice Foundation. I am its Executive Director, Gary G. Kreep.
The enclosed CITIZEN'S DEMAND is just part of a much larger grassroots and legal strategy that we are employing to ensure that the American people learn the whole truth about Barack Hussein Obama's birth and true citizenship... BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
CLICK HERE to sign the CITIZEN'S DEMAND TO BARACK OBAMA and INSTANTLY get it back to me, right now!
Our goal is to flood the White House, day-in and day-out, throughout 2010, with a sea of CITIZENS DEMANDS, calling for the immediate release of all documents about Barack Obama's birth and citizenship.
Despite what you may have heard on NBC News, or read in The New York Times, or in your local newspaper...
That, my friends, is a fact. So we, along with other concerned AMERICAN citizens, have filed a series of lawsuits to force Barack Obama to either produce his real birth certificate -- or explain why he can't.
Make no mistake: Barack Obama and his battery of lawyers are fighting back hard!
He has spent a fortune on a team of lawyers to block our every legal move!
More shamelessly, he recently unleashed an additional team of lawyers from our own, taxpayer funded, Department of Justice (DOJ) to block our legal moves!
We are up against a formidable legal and political arsenal. In fact, our most promising lawsuit in California was recently dismissed at the request of the DOJ.
However, we have just begun to fight! We are currently appealing that dismissal.
With your signed CITIZEN'S DEMAND in hand and our "Where Was President Obama Born?" documentary, we are now unleashing a second, grassroots front to counter the propaganda of the Obama controlled Media, and to alert Millions of Americans to THE TRUTH!
Because the bottom line is, the man who is now leading our nation down a socialist rat hole, more than a year after his election has still refused to release his birth certificate!
Perhaps he is hiding the fact that he may, indeed, not be a "natural born citizen"... and is thus NOT ELIGIBLE to serve as President!
That means that the disastrous, trillion dollar, so-called, "Stimulus Bill" that he signed may not be legally valid. Neither will ANY bill that he hopes to sign, imposing government-run-and-rationed health care, nationalizing banks, censoring talk radio, taxing the middle class into oblivion, striping the military of its ability to protect our country, and repealing our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms!
Ever wonder why Mr. Obama and his allies in Congress are working at breakneck speed to enact their leftist agenda? Perhaps it's because they want to transform America into a second-rate socialist nation BEFORE anyone catches on to the fact that we may not have a legitimate President!
All that Mr. Obama needs to do is to simply release his real birth certificate!!
Plain and simple, that is all he needs to do!!
But, rather than do so, Mr. Obama's lawyers and, now, the DOJ have blocked all access to the truth about his eligibility to serve as President of the United States.
Though not unexpected, these actions confirm Barack Obama's ruthless determination to destroy anyone seeking the information that the Constitution requires to establish his eligibility to serve as President. It also means that we have a major fight on our hands if we are to learn the truth in time to either put this issue to rest... or to rescue our nation from Mr. Obama's plan to drive our nation into bankruptcy and oblivion!
Which is why I have RUSHED you this urgent email . . .
And why I sincerely hope that you will sign your CITIZEN'S DEMAND TO BARACK OBAMA and that you will rush it back to me today.
Please, CLICK HERE to send your CITIZEN'S DEMAND to Barack Hussein Obama. And, your timely donation will help us in getting out THE TRUTH in all 50 states with our documentary!
We here at the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) have been fighting in court for over a year to force Mr. Obama to provide proof whether that he is constitutionally eligible to serve as President of the United States. Way before Barack Obama, we have been "Your Conservative Voice in the Courts" since our founding in 1979. Most recently, we became nationally known for our efforts to expose the corruption of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
In 2010, with your help, we can, and we will, learn the truth about Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as President BEFORE he can destroy the country that we so love.
Also, as I send you this vital email, we are appealing a separate court ruling that denied our subpoena of the records of Barack Obama from Occidental College in California.
NOW, HERE'S THE KEY TO OUR SUCCESS! We are also airing, in more and more states, our explosive documentary, "Where Was President Obama Born?". This 28-minute documentary raises questions that the Obama Media will never raise. Questions such as:
Why won't Barack Obama just release his actual birth certificate rather than a meaningless copy of a Hawaiian "Certification of Live Birth?";
Where was his mother actually living in the months leading up to his birth?; and,
Why is it that Mr. Obama's paternal step-grandmother has proclaimed that she was present at his birth in Mombasa, in what is now Kenya?
The bottom line: Rather than simply dismiss our critics as they dismiss us, without evidence, we, in our "Where Was President Obama Born?" documentary, address their specific complaints -- and we refute each and every one of them.
More importantly, our documentary is designed to motivate outraged Americans to take action on their own. In it, we provide a special telephone number that people can call to add their name to a special Petition that we then send, via fax, to ALL 50 state Attorney Generals. And, right now, you too can send a personalized fax to EVERY State Attorney General!
Your Personal Petition at the end of this email reminds each of these top lawmakers, in their respective states, of their duty to the U. S. Constitution, as well as to the states that they serve -- and demands that they take action to force the release of key documents that will, once and for all, prove where Barack Obama was born.
This 4-step approach -- (1) Our lawsuits, (2) Our CITIZEN'S DEMAND drive, (3) Our 50 state TV ad campaign, and (4) Our Petition program amount to one of the biggest legal and grassroots operations ever engaged in by a non-profit conservative advocacy group like ours.
I wish that this all this wasn't necessary. But we are convinced that the truth about Mr. Obama's status as a "natural born citizen" must be uncovered ! This would be a serious matter under any circumstance.
But Barack Obama's radical and blitzkrieg-like socialist agenda makes it even more so. Because the sad truth is that your life, your liberty, and the freedoms that you cherish are all at stake! Quite frankly, your future, and the future of your children and your grandchildren, all of it could hinge on what you choose to do after reading this email.
Think about it! How will you feel if you woke up one morning and found out that the President of the United States was a FRAUD!?
More to the point: How would you feel if you were to find out, two, three, or four years from now that the man who:
The bottom line: Rather than simply dismiss our critics as they dismiss us, without evidence, we, in our "Where Was President Obama Born?" documentary, address their specific complaints -- and we refute each and every one of them.
More importantly, our documentary is designed to motivate outraged Americans to take action on their own. In it, we provide a special telephone number that people can call to add their name to a special Petition that we then send, via fax, to ALL 50 state Attorney Generals. And, right now, you too can send a personalized fax to EVERY State Attorney General!
Your Personal Petition at the end of this email reminds each of these top lawmakers, in their respective states, of their duty to the U. S. Constitution, as well as to the states that they serve -- and demands that they take action to force the release of key documents that will, once and for all, prove where Barack Obama was born.
This 4-step approach -- (1) Our lawsuits, (2) Our CITIZEN'S DEMAND drive, (3) Our 50 state TV ad campaign, and (4) Our Petition program amount to one of the biggest legal and grassroots operations ever engaged in by a non-profit conservative advocacy group like ours.
I wish that this all this wasn't necessary. But we are convinced that the truth about Mr. Obama's status as a "natural born citizen" must be uncovered ! This would be a serious matter under any circumstance.
But Barack Obama's radical and blitzkrieg-like socialist agenda makes it even more so. Because the sad truth is that your life, your liberty, and the freedoms that you cherish are all at stake! Quite frankly, your future, and the future of your children and your grandchildren, all of it could hinge on what you choose to do after reading this email.
Think about it! How will you feel if you woke up one morning and found out that the President of the United States was a FRAUD!?
More to the point: How would you feel if you were to find out, two, three, or four years from now that the man who:
Destroyed America's free markets!
Taxed the middle class into oblivion!
Bankrupted the nation!
Imposed government run-and-rationed health care;
Granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens;
Enacted unfair and phony "global warming" laws;
Dismantled our military;
Surrendered our sovereignty to the United Nations; and
My friend, it is clear: The requirement of the person serving as President of our great country to be a "natural born citizen" is a part of the U.S. Constitution. But Barack Hussein Obama does not want you to know if he is, indeed, a "natural born citizen." He wants you to just trust him. Well, in another time, President Ronald Reagan said that we should always "trust, but verify."
And that is exactly what we must do today!
The voters of the United States have the right to know if Barack Obama is a "natural born citizen," as REQUIRED by the Constitution! It's a question that MUST be answered! Simply stated, if ANY unqualified person were to be elected President of the United States, let alone a socialist like Mr. Obama... our entire form of government would be compromised!
But finding the truth will NOT be easy. Or cheap.
In fact, we believe that it is going to take a minimum of ten million CITIZEN'S DEMANDS to force Barack Obama to either produce his birth certificate -- or to shame the national media into asking why not.
But, at a cost of roughly 53 cents each, that means the CITIZEN'S DEMAND portion of our efforts will cost more than $ 5.3 million alone...
.. on top of what my staff tells me will be as much as $1 million needed for a 50 state, all major television market, TV campaign for our "Where was President Obama Born?"!
What's more, none of this takes into account the legal and other costs that we are incurring in our court efforts to find out the truth about Barack Obama's birth. Which is why we need both your grassroots, AND your financial, support to have any hope of having this crucial effort succeed. I hope you will rush back a most-generous, tax-deductible gift of $20, $25, $35, $50, $100, or more, along with your signed CITIZEN'S DEMAND.
Yes, I know that I am asking a lot of you today -- especially in these tough and uncertain economic times. But I also know that the future of our liberty, our prosperity, and our nation are all on the line, and that we will not have the resources we need to fight back and to succeed without your help.
Then, please be sure to include your urgently needed donation of $20, $25, $35, $50, $100, or more, to USJF.
Please, the action that you take now may very well determine the future you leave to your children and to your grandchildren.
I hope that you understand -- and I pray that you will respond -- today.
Please respond with your heart . . . and with your worthy investment!
Thank you -- and God bless,

P.S. Barack Obama has made it clear that he wants to forever "CHANGE" our nation by transforming it into a permanent, and second-rate, socialist state. Shouldn't we be sure that he is even eligible to serve as President before he is allowed to destroy everything our Founding Fathers brilliantly created more than 200 years ago!?! So, again, please, sign the CITIZEN'S DEMAND TO BARACK OBAMA and enclose your most-generous donation of $20, $25, $35, $50, $100, or more, to USJF.
P.P.S. For a special gift of $50 or more today, I will send you a free copy on DVD of our Obama documentary detailing the many questions surrounding his birth and his eligibility to be President. It will help you to prove your concerns to your friends. More importantly, your emergency gift of $50 or more will help us prove to millions more Americans, via TV, why serious questions have been raised about Barack Obama's birth -- questions that must be answered before we allow this man to transform our still great nation into a second-rate socialist state.
To Donate by check, please mail to: United States Justice Foundation, National Processing Center, PO Box 131637, Dept Code 3580, Houston, TX 77219-1637
The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a non-profit organization, whose tax-exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3) has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions are tax deductible. Corporate contributions may be accepted.
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