reposted from February 5, 2010 entry by: David Lee Miller
An American born Islamic scholar who once gave religious instruction to the accused underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab, is coming under fire for videotaped remarks denouncing western courts and democracy despite his reputation as a moderate.
Following the arrest of Abdulmuttalab last December in Detroit, Yasir Qadhi expressed surprise at his former pupil’s alleged bomb plot. In an interview last December with CNN, Qadhi described Abdulmuttalab “as a quiet individual, tight lipped and shy.” The two met in 2008, during a 16 day religious seminar organized by the Al Maghrib Insititute, in Houston Texas. Qadhi said the event was a way to teach the “nuts and bolts” of Islam, adding “it’s ironic that he came to us.”
A video tape provided to FOX News by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, reveals what some experts consider Qadhi’s more radical agenda. In the undated recording made for the UK’s Islam Channel, Qadhi is speaking to a group of Muslim men. He is advising them to ignore western laws and democratic institutions in favor of Sharia or Islamic law.
While Qadhi professes to be part of the de-radicalization effort, CNN reports he enjoyed a starring role in the 2008 U.S.-funded Counter-Radicalization Strategy conference by the National Counterterrorism Center, his talks seethe with hatred for non-Muslims and the West. As part of a TV series named the "Fundamentals of Faith," which was broadcast on the popular British Muslim TV 'Islam Channel,' Qadhi showed his contempt for all other systems of thought besides Islam:
While Qadhi professes to be part of the de-radicalization effort, CNN reports he enjoyed a starring role in the 2008 U.S.-funded Counter-Radicalization Strategy conference by the National Counterterrorism Center, his talks seethe with hatred for non-Muslims and the West. As part of a TV series named the "Fundamentals of Faith," which was broadcast on the popular British Muslim TV 'Islam Channel,' Qadhi showed his contempt for all other systems of thought besides Islam:
"Here in these verses, Surat Maida, verses 49-50, Allah (swt) categorizes all types of laws into two categories, the law of Allah and the laws from others. And he calls the laws of Allah a fair and just law, and he calls all others Jahiliya, ignorant laws. It is not my right to legislate or your right to legislate.No supreme court, no system of government, no democracy where they vote. Can you believe it, a group of people coming together and voting, and the majority vote will then be the law of the land.What gives you the right to prohibit something or allow something? Who gave you the right? Are you creators? Are you all-knowledgeable? Do you understand the repercussions, the implications of the laws that you are going to pass? [Arabic] Do they wish to follow the laws of ignorance? Verily Allah is our Judge, He knows what's best for us. [Emphasis added]"
He tells the group, “it is not my right to legislate or your right to legislate. No Supreme court, no system of government no democracy where they vote. Can you believe it, a group of people coming together and voting and the majority vote will then be the law of the land?” The other men on the panel listen intently as Qadhi concludes, “Allah, is our judge, he knows what is best for us.” Calls and an email to Qadhi were not returned.
Terrorism Expert Walid Phares, Author of The War of Ideas: Jihadism and Democracy warns that Qadhi’s remarks are consistent with Jihadist ideology. He said those who “hear this narrative; they are going to be convinced that their action against the United States government … is legitimate.”
Phares also criticized the US National Counter Terrorism Center for inviting Gadhi to attend a 2008 symposium on Islamic radicalization. Sources say Gadhi did not speak during the event, but also in attendance was then Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff. According to Phares the US government is “dropping the ball” by inviting “jihadi ideologues” to participate in anti terror programs. The center said in a statement “participants in these sessions represents a wide array of perspective and viewpoints thereby enabling a more thorough understanding of the extremist radicalization process that can spawn acts of terrorism.”
He also said: tagged as: Deception Operations, Infiltration, Jihadist Threat Doctrine, NCTC, Walid Phares, war of ideas, Yasir Qadhi"This type of thinking is clear kufr, clear disbelief, to believe that you know better, or any system of government knows better, any democracy, or any… whether it be communism or socialism, any type of philosophy is better than Islam, or it is allowed legitimately, it is allowed to follow this system, this is a profession of the fact that you believe that Allah is not All-Knowledgeable... Allah forbid [in Arabic]. And that He doesn't know what is best for us. Allah forbid [in Arabic]. Therefore this is a negation of your testimony of "La Illa Illah Allah" [There is no God but Allah]. To believe that it is permissible to follow a way of life, to follow a system of laws other than the Shariah, negates one's testimony of Islam. [Emphasis added]"Not only does Qadhi see Western society as incompatible with Islam, he casts all non-Muslims as people who inherently hate Muslims. Discussing the legendary Battle of Uhud, which he stresses is "a battle in which the Muslims would learn many lessons, morals, for themselves and for the generations after them," Qadhi declared:
Additionally, Qadhi has not limited his pronouncements to his hatred of the West. In a speech about the holy days in the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah, Qadhi opened by declaring prayer on 10 days of this month to be a Muslim's most sacred duty. He quickly clarified this position, however, by noting that death while carrying out jihad was the most cherished honor:
""And this is the Sunnah of Allah (swt) that the Kafir [disbeliever] will always hate the Muslim - the Jews and the Christians and the Hindus and every single non-Muslim. He might allow every other religious minority or any other religion inside of his society and culture, but when it comes to Islam, because it is the religion of truth, he will find it inside of him to hate it. You cannot just be neutral when it comes to Islam; you are either a Muslim or you are a Kaffir that hates Islam. [emphasis added]"
"Prophet Mohammad (saws) said that even jihad, except if a man leaves with all of his property, and all of his belonging, money and life and he dies as martyr in a battle, that is the only thing that is more beloved than a person who is practicing and praying and being a good Muslim for these ten days."Qadhi has also reserves particular hatred for the Jews. In a 2001 speech Qadhi portrayed Jews as the enemies of Muslims:
"I am not advising any Muslim to waste his time studying Judaism. But I am saying, why are Jews studying Islam? There is a reason. Not that they want to help us, they want to destroy us."In endorsing the book The Hoax of the Holocaust, Qadhi denied the Holocaust himself and attempted to spread these beliefs among young people. In the same speech explaining comments on a chapter of the Quran, Qadhi told his audience:
"Hitler never intended to mass destroy the Jews. There are a number of books out by Christians, written on this. You should read them. The Hoax of the Holocaust, I advise you to read this one. Do you want to write this down. The Hoax of the Holocaust, a very good book."Although Qadhi later claimed that he had 'mistakenly' endorsed this book, it was not the only nasty thing he said about Jews in his speech. Qadhi repeated a classic anti-Semitic lie, degrading European Jews as "impure and filthy" in comparison to the Jews of the Middle East. Thus, while Qadhi expressed hate of all Jews, he distinguished between his hatred of European and Middle Eastern Jews when he said:
"The Sephardics don't consider the Ashkenazis as pure Jews. They aren't pure Jews; they are Khazars. It is only the Sephardis that consider themselves the pure race. And until recently, any Jew that wrote his name he would write at the end of it – Sephardic Jew (H), which is a word in Hebrew I forgot, but it means 'pure.' He would write H in brackets, that I am a pure Jew, whereas those guys are impure filthy Jews."
Bomber’s American Teacher
Fox News, 5 Feb 10: An American born Islamic scholar who once gave religious instruction to the accused underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab, is coming under fire for videotaped remarks denouncing western courts and democracy despite his reputation as a moderate.
Following the arrest of Abdulmuttalab last December in Detroit, Yasir Qadhi expressed surprise at his former pupil’s alleged bomb plot. In an last December with CNN, Qadhi described Abdulmuttalab “as a quiet individual, tight lipped and shy.” The two met in 2008, during a 16 day religious seminar organized by the Al Maghrib Insititute, in Houston Texas. Qadhi said the event was a way to teach the “nuts and bolts” of Islam, adding “it’s ironic that he came to us.”
A videotape provided to FOX News by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, reveals what some experts consider Qadhi’s more radical agenda. In the undated recording made for the UK’s Islam Channel, Qadhi is speaking to a group of Muslim men. He is advising them to ignore western laws and democratic institutions in favor of Sharia or Islamic law.
He tells the group, “it is not my right to legislate or your right to legislate. No Supreme court, no system of government no democracy where they vote. Can you believe it, a group of people coming together and voting and the majority vote will then be the law of the land?” The other men on the panel listen intently as Qadhi concludes, “Allah, is our judge, he knows what is best for us.” Calls and an email to Qadhi were not returned.
Terrorism Expert Walid Phares, author of The War of Ideas: Jihadism against Democracy
warns that Qadhi’s remarks are consistent with Jihadist ideology. He said those who “hear this narrative; they are going to be convinced that their action against the United States government is legitimate.”
Phares also criticized the US National Counter Terrorism Center for inviting Gadhi to attend a 2008 symposium on Islamic radicalization. Sources say Gadhi did not speak during the event, but also in attendance was then Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff. According to Phares, the US government is “dropping the ball” by inviting “jihadi ideologues” to participate in anti terror programs. The center said in a statement “participants in these sessions represents a wide array of perspective and viewpoints thereby enabling a more thorough understanding of the extremist radicalization process that can spawn acts of terrorism.”
♦ CI CENTRE COURSE: 361–The Global Jihadist Threat Doctrine at
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