If every member votes and all GOP lawmakers vote no, the maximum number of Democratic defections to pass a bill is [ONLY] 37, which would result in a 216-215 tally. source: http://thehill.com/homenews/house/85693-whip-watch-the-hills-survey-of-house-dems-positions-on-healthcare-

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told MSNBC that "we believe the House can act by the time the president leaves for his trip on March 18th." Senior Democratic aides said Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) hopes to unveil the reconciliation bill -- which enable the Senate to "get around" any Republican filibuster -- early next week!
Did you get that? Congress is planning on shoving ObamaCare down America's throat they're going to use every parliamentary trick in the book to get it passed, even WITHOUT a supermajority... unless WE make sure that Obama, Reid, and Pelosi FAIL in their trickery!
- ObamaCare puts 7 percent of Americans on a government subsidy to help pay for mandatory health insurance.
- ObamaCare raises taxes on 25 percent of those earning under $200,000 a year.
- ObamaCare raises taxes on three middle-class families to pay for every family receiving a government subsidy.
- ObamaCare excludes 93 percent of Americans who are NOT eligible for a tax benefit under the bill.
- Tax and hurt seniors by taking $500 Billion from Medicare.
- New agencies, bureacratic offices, levels of government management & control
- Massive taxes for abortion funding of hundreds of thousands of abortions!
TELL KEY CONGRESSMEN LISTED BELOW TO VOTE NO: Fax, Call and Even Personally Visit Each in their Offices in Washington DC:
Harry Mitchell | (202) 225-2190 | (480) 946-2411 | AZ | 5th District |
Gabrielle Giffords | (202) 225-2542 | (520) 881-3588 | AZ | 8th District |
Ann Kirkpatrick | (202) 225-2315 | (928) 226-6914 | AZ | 1st District |
Jerry McNerney | (202) 225-1947 | 925-833-0643 | CA | 11th District |
John Salazar | 202-225-4761 | 970-245-7107 | CO | 3rd District |
Jim Himes | (202) 225-5541 | (866) 453-0028 | CT | 4th District |
Alan Grayson | (202) 225-2176 | (407) 841-1757 | FL | 8th District |
Bill Foster | (202) 225-2976 | 630-406-1114 | IL | 14th District |
Baron Hill | 202 225 5315 | 812 288 3999 | IN | 9th District |
Mark Schauer | (202) 225-6276 | (517) 780-9075 | MI | 7th District |
Gary Peters | (202) 225-5802 | (248) 273-4227 | MI | 9th District |
Dina Titus | (202) 225-3252 | 702-256-DINA (3462) | NV | 3rd District |
Carol Shea-Porter | (202) 225-5456 | (603) 743-4813 | NH | 1st District |
Tim Bishop | (202) 225-3867 | (631) 696-6500 | NY | 1st District |
John Hall | (202) 225-5441 | (845) 225-3641 x49371 | NY | 19th District |
Bill Owens | (202) 225-4611 | (315) 782-3150 | NY | 23rd District |
Mike Arcuri | (202)225-3665 | (315)793-8146 | NY | 24th District |
Dan Maffei | (202) 225-3701 | (315) 423-5657 | NY | 25th District |
Earl Pomeroy | (202) 225-2611 | (701) 224-0355 | ND | At-Large District |
Steven Driehaus | (202) 225-2216 | (513) 684-2723 | OH | 1st District |
Mary Jo Kilroy | (202) 225-2015 | (614) 294-2196 | OH | 15th District |
Zach Space | (202) 225-6265 | (330) 364-4300 | OH | 18th District |
Kathy Dahlkemper | (202) 225-5406 | (814) 456-2038 | PA | 3rd District |
Patrick Murphy | (202) 225-4276 | (215) 826-1963 | PA | 8th District |
Christopher Carney | (202) 225-3731 | (570) 585-9988 | PA | 10th District |
Paul Kanjorski | (202) 225-6511 | (570) 825-2200 | PA | 11th District |
John Spratt | (202) 225-5501 | (803)327-1114 | SC | 5th District |
Tom Perriello | (202) 225-4711 | (276) 656-2291 | VA | 5th District |
Alan Mollohan | (202) 225-4172 | (304) 623-4422 | WVA | 1st District |
Nick Rahall | (202) 225-3452 | (304) 252-5000 | WVA | 3rd District |
Steve Kagen | (202) 225-5665 | (920) 437-1954 | WI | 8th District |
Keep calling your Senators and Representatives today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOUR OUTRAGE at Arrogant ObamaCare TAX Increase!
CALL PRESIDENT OBAMA 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your outrage at incompetence in crippling and obstructing the "bipartisan healthcare reform summit".
This week, Democrats will move forward with a plan LifeNews.com outlined on Thursday that has a "shell" or reconciliation bill moving through the committee process.
Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, the House Majority Whip, told NBC's "Meet the Press" that there are not enough votes to meet the 216-vote majority they need.
"We don't have [the votes] as of this morning, but we've been working this thing all weekend. We'll be working it going into the week," Clyburn said.
He also predicted that the leading pro-life Democrat, Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan, would ultimately vote for the pro-abortion bill, even though he and several colleagues have said they won't support any health care measure promoting abortion.
"I do believe that Congressman [Bart] Stupak will end up voting for this bill," he said.
As expected, Clyburn used the Catholic Health Association's endorsement of the bill to push pro-life Democrats to vote for the Senate measure.
"We just had the Catholic hospitals endorse this bill," Clyburn said. "I don't think they'd be doing that if they were not comfortable with this language [funding abortions]."
Pelosi herself said Saturday she is confident the pro-abortion bill will pass.
"We're very excited about where we are and will not be deterred by estimates that have no basis in fact," she said of claims that Democrats currently lack the votes.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs predicted today that the votes will eventually be there for the legislation by the end of the week when the vote is expected.
"We'll have the votes when the House votes, I think, within the next week," Gibbs said on "Fox News Sunday."
Meanwhile, Rep. John Boehner, the leading Republican in the House, said his caucus would do everything possible to get Democrats to join them in opposing the pro-abortion bill.
He says Republicans are "going to do everything we can to make it difficult for them, if not impossible, to pass the bill."
An analysis yesterday from The Hill, a newspaper that closely follows actions in Congress, indicated, "House Democratic leaders don't have the votes to pass healthcare reform. At least not yet. Pelosi is clearly down in the vote count."
Thirty-four House Democrats are either firm no votes or leaning no, according to The Hill and dozens more remain undecided.
That undecided list includes Reps. Michael Capuano of Massachusetts and Anthony Weiner of New York as well as Reps. Jason Altmire and Chris Carney, both of Pennsylvania.
Reps. John Spratt of South Carolina, Nick Rahall of West Virginia and Jim Oberstar of Minnesota are also undecided. The latter two are pro-life Democrats.
Reps. Ike Skelton of Missouri and Collin Peterson of Minnesota, both of whom are pro-life, say they are firm no votes on the bill but pro-life groups are urging more calls and emails.
When the House passed its version of the health care bill last year, Pelosi and House Democrats got the bill approved on a 220-215 margin -- only after the Stupak amendment was added to ban abortion funding.
Rep. Joseph Cao of Louisiana, the only Republican to back the bill, has since said he would vote no because of the abortion funding and Stupak says he is a firm no vote as well. That takes the margin to 218-217.
In addition, Florida's Robert Wexler resigned, Rep. Neil Abercrombie retired to run for governor of Hawaii and Rep. John Murtha passed away -- all three yes votes and none of whom have been replaced. That brings the margin to 217-215 against the bill.
The Hill indicates that, of the 34 firm no votes or leaning no votes that it has tallied from interviews with House members, eight of them backed the House bill in November. On the other hand, it notes nine Democrats who voted no who are on the fence.
Other top undecided or leaning votes that pro-life advocates should contact include: Reps. Marion Berry (Arkansas), Henry Cuellar (Texas), Joe Donnelly (Indiana), Steve Driehaus (Ohio) and Dan Lipinski (Illinois). They all say they are leaning against supporting the bill because of abortion funding.
Reps. Brad Ellsworth (Indiana), Jerry Costello (Illinois), Kathy Dahlkemper (Pennsylvania), and Charlie Wilson (Ohio) are pro-life Democrats who say they are undecided.
And Reps. Dale Kildee (Michigan) and Marcy Kaptur (Ohio) are Democrats who oppose abortion who say they are leaning towards supporting the bill.
Rep. Bill Pascrell, a pro-abortion New Jersey Democrat, admitted Friday to Congressional Quarterly that the vote is very close and Democrats are just under what they need.
"I think we're in the range of 12-13 votes of getting this done," he said.
National Right to Life legislative director Douglas Johnson told LifeNews.com that every lawmaker will be held accountable for their votes on what Right to Life and pro-life organizations consider the most important pro-life votes in years because of the potential to fund hundreds of thousands of abortions.
"Every House Republican already opposes the Senate health bill, but President Obama and Speaker Pelosi think they can muscle the bill into law. They are whipping some Democrats into line and they plan to roll over the rest. But these lawmakers are ultimately accountable to their voters, not to their party leaders," he said.
Under the Senate health care bill that will be the main bill Obama and Democrats push through Congress, there is no ban on abortion funding. While some states can opt out of funding abortions under the plan, [however] taxpayers in other states will be forced to pay for them.
But the bill contains other pro-abortion problems that are concerns for pro-life advocates.
The bill requires that at least one health care plan be promoted across the country that pays for abortions, more abortion funding would come via the affordability credits, and many of the so-called limits on abortion funding in the Senate bill are temporary and could expire or be overturned at a later date.
The Senate health care bill also pays for abortions under the Indian Health Service program.
And it contains the Mikulski amendment that would allow the Obama administration to define abortion as preventative care and force insurance plans to pay for abortions.
Finally, the Senate bill does not contain language needed to offer full conscience protection for pro-life medical workers and facilities.
Democrats will have the House Budget Committee starting things off with consideration of a companion bill, that will not remove the abortion funding or abortion promotion from the Senate bill, on Monday.
They will also use the so-called Slaughter Rule that will essentially have the House voting on rules for debate that essentially will have the House declaring the pro-abortion health care bill passed without actually taking a vote on it. !!!
ACTION: Contact your member of Congress by going to http://www.House.gov and then tell every pro-life friend and family member to do the same. Urge opposition to the Senate bill, the compantion measure and the "Slaughter Rule."
Related web site: The Hill list of where House members stand:
source/credit: http://thehill.com/homenews/house/85693-whip-watch-the-hills-survey-of-house-dems-positions-on-healthcare-
WHIP COUNT: House Democrats' positions on the healthcare reform bill
The Hill's survey/tracking of House Democrats' positions on healthcare reform legislation. UPDATED: 3/16/10 at 8:41 p.m.
RECENT UPDATES: Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick, Tim Ryan, Dennis Kucinich, Gerry Connolly, Tom Perriello, Carol Shea Porter, Mike Doyle, Jason Altmire, Dan Maffei, John Boccieri, Steve Kagen, Dennis Moore, Suzanne Kosmas and Scott Murphy
House Democrats not on this list are expected to vote yes. However, some members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus who are not mentioned below have threatened to vote no unless the Senate's immigration-related provisions are changed.
All House Republicans are expected to vote no.
If every member votes and all GOP lawmakers vote no, the maximum number of Democratic defections to pass a bill is 37, which would result in a 216-215 tally.
* -- Voted for Stupak amendment in November
(Y) -- Voted yes in November
(N) -- Voted no in November
Firm No, Leaning No, Likely No (37)
John Adler (N.J.) (N) Citing cost containment, Adler told the Courier-Post that he will vote against Senate measure
Michael Arcuri (N.Y.) (Y) Some reports have him as firm no, but Rules Committee member hasn't closed the door yet
John Barrow (Ga.) * (N) Voted no last year in committee and on floor. Likely no
Marion Berry (Ark.) * (Y) Has been critical of the president since announcing his retirement. Strong backer of Stupak language. Voted yes in Budget Committee markup on March 15
Dan Boren (Okla.) * (N) Won't be changing his mind — firm no
Rick Boucher (Va.) (N) GOP target who has told local press outlets in Virginia he has major problems with Medicare cuts and "unsavory dealmaking" that benefited Nebraska, Louisiana and Florida. Leaning no
Bobby Bright (Ala.) * (N) Voted against House health bill, stimulus and climate change. Firm no
Allen Boyd (Fla.) (N) Facing primary challenge. Voted no on education reform bill expected to move with healthcare reform as part of reconciliation. Voted no on March 15 during Budget Committee markup
Chris Carney (Pa.) * (Y) Carney told the Scranton Times-Shamrock, "As I said publicly, I can't vote for a bill that will publicly fund abortion."
Ben Chandler (Ky.) * (N) His office told The Hill on March 15: "Congressman Chandler's position on the bill remains the same. He expects to vote against the legislation."
Travis Childers (Miss.) * (N) In toss-up reelection race
Jerry Costello (Ill.) * (Y) Told the Akron Telegraph March 14 that White House and leadership "bungled" healthcare reform. Most of the calls, e-mails and letters he has received have advised a no vote. Says he opposes Senate bill, but doesn't sound like an absolute no
Artur Davis (Ala.) * (N) Running for governor, but will make sure to return to D.C. to vote no
Lincoln Davis (Tenn.) * (N) Voted no first time, and most expect him to vote no again. He has not commented publicly.
Joe Donnelly (Ind.) * (Y) Among the Stupak dozen — will vote no unless abortion language in Senate bill is changed, according to The Rochester Sentinel
Steve Driehaus (Ohio) * (Y) In toss-up race in November who is ardent backer of Stupak language. Now sounds like a very firm no. Told the Cincinnati Enquirer, "They are going to have to do it without me and without the other pro-life Democrats."
Chet Edwards (Texas) (N) Perennial GOP target. Edwards spokesman told CNN he will vote no. Votes no at March 15 Budget Committee markup
Luis Gutierrez (Ill.) (Y) Citing immigration language, Gutierrez said on MSNBC that "I can't support this bill." Lawmaker has lambasted the president on not moving immigration reform yet. Warned that other Hispanic lawmakers will also vote no
Larry Kissell (N.C.) (N) GOP target, but reelection chances on the rise. Firm no
Frank Kratovil (Md.) (N) Voted for climate change; says he will vote no
Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) (N) Announcing his position at press conference at 10 a.m. on Wednesday. A yes would be a big boost to Democratic leaders and the president's push for passage. Kucinich was on the fence before House vote last fall. He has said he is a firm no this time around. An undeterred President Barack Obama publicly called on him to back the bill on March 15 and gave him a ride on Air Force One
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (S.D.) (N) Congresswoman told the Rapid City Journal she's a no, noting she is not a fan of reconciliation. She also voted no on education reform bill expected to move in reconciliation with healthcare reform
Tim Holden (Pa.) * (N) Voted against healthcare and climate change in 2009. Told The Republican Herald that he is a no, citing abortion and "significant" cuts to Medicare and Medicaid
Daniel Lipinski (Ill.) * (Y) Will not vote for abortion language in Senate bill, but has other concerns as well. Democratic leaders cannot count on Lipinski
Jim Marshall (Ga.) * (N) Perennial GOP target, but favored to win reelection. Told The Hill he's a no
Jim Matheson (Utah) * (N) President Obama this year tapped brother for post, but Matheson still a likely no
Mike McIntyre (N.C.) * (N) Seven-term lawmaker rejected House health bill and climate change. Spokesman tells The Hill McIntyre is a no. Expected to win reelection easily even though Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) won district
Mike McMahon (N.Y.) (N) Suggested last month he was a no to the Staten Island Advance. McMahon told The Hill on March 12 he is leaning no. Voted no on education reform bill that is expected to move with healthcare reform in reconciliation
Charlie Melancon (La.) * (N) Senate hopeful voted no in November and no in committee. Likely no
Walt Minnick (Idaho) (N) One of the House's most conservative members. Firm no
Collin Peterson (Minn.) * (N) Ag chairman not shy in bucking leadership. Firm no
Mike Ross (Ark.) * (N) Voted for bill in committee, but not since. Firm no
Heath Shuler (N.C.) * (N) CNN reporting Shuler is a no. Doesn't hold his tongue when he opposes Democratic leaders. Critic of reconciliation
Ike Skelton (Mo.) * (N) GOP targeting his seat. Armed Services Committee chairman is a firm no
Bart Stupak (Mich.) * (Y) No deal with leadership on abortion = no vote on final bill for Stupak and other Democratic opponents of abortion rights
Gene Taylor (Miss.) * (N) Has been a firm no all Congress. Constituents last summer urged him to get others to vote no
Harry Teague (N.M.) * (N) Told The Hill that he will review bill to see if final bill brings costs down. If "we are in the same place — a no"
email Bob Cusack [ bcusack @ thehill .com ] WITH UPDATES.
document source, credit: http://thehill.com/homenews/house/85693-whip-watch-the-hills-survey-of-house-dems-positions-on-healthcare-
Fax, Call and Even Personally Visit Each in their Offices in Washington DC:
Harry Mitchell | (202) 225-2190 | (480) 946-2411 | AZ | 5th District |
Gabrielle Giffords | (202) 225-2542 | (520) 881-3588 | AZ | 8th District |
Ann Kirkpatrick | (202) 225-2315 | (928) 226-6914 | AZ | 1st District |
Jerry McNerney | (202) 225-1947 | 925-833-0643 | CA | 11th District |
John Salazar | 202-225-4761 | 970-245-7107 | CO | 3rd District |
Jim Himes | (202) 225-5541 | (866) 453-0028 | CT | 4th District |
Alan Grayson | (202) 225-2176 | (407) 841-1757 | FL | 8th District |
Bill Foster | (202) 225-2976 | 630-406-1114 | IL | 14th District |
Baron Hill | 202 225 5315 | 812 288 3999 | IN | 9th District |
Mark Schauer | (202) 225-6276 | (517) 780-9075 | MI | 7th District |
Gary Peters | (202) 225-5802 | (248) 273-4227 | MI | 9th District |
Dina Titus | (202) 225-3252 | 702-256-DINA (3462) | NV | 3rd District |
Carol Shea-Porter | (202) 225-5456 | (603) 743-4813 | NH | 1st District |
Tim Bishop | (202) 225-3867 | (631) 696-6500 | NY | 1st District |
John Hall | (202) 225-5441 | (845) 225-3641 x49371 | NY | 19th District |
Bill Owens | (202) 225-4611 | (315) 782-3150 | NY | 23rd District |
Mike Arcuri | (202)225-3665 | (315)793-8146 | NY | 24th District |
Dan Maffei | (202) 225-3701 | (315) 423-5657 | NY | 25th District |
Earl Pomeroy | (202) 225-2611 | (701) 224-0355 | ND | At-Large District |
Steven Driehaus | (202) 225-2216 | (513) 684-2723 | OH | 1st District |
Mary Jo Kilroy | (202) 225-2015 | (614) 294-2196 | OH | 15th District |
Zach Space | (202) 225-6265 | (330) 364-4300 | OH | 18th District |
Kathy Dahlkemper | (202) 225-5406 | (814) 456-2038 | PA | 3rd District |
Patrick Murphy | (202) 225-4276 | (215) 826-1963 | PA | 8th District |
Christopher Carney | (202) 225-3731 | (570) 585-9988 | PA | 10th District |
Paul Kanjorski | (202) 225-6511 | (570) 825-2200 | PA | 11th District |
John Spratt | (202) 225-5501 | (803)327-1114 | SC | 5th District |
Tom Perriello | (202) 225-4711 | (276) 656-2291 | VA | 5th District |
Alan Mollohan | (202) 225-4172 | (304) 623-4422 | WVA | 1st District |
Nick Rahall | (202) 225-3452 | (304) 252-5000 | WVA | 3rd District |
Steve Kagen | (202) 225-5665 | (920) 437-1954 | WI | 8th District |
Keep calling your Senators and Representatives today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOUR OUTRAGE at Arrogant ObamaCare TAX Increase!
CALL PRESIDENT OBAMA 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your outrage at incompetence in crippling and obstructing the "bipartisan healthcare reform summit".
"Elections Aren't Won by Who Voted, They're Lost by Who Didn't" ~~ rf |
After all, o'bamacide promi$ed Planned Parenthood.
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