Below are excerpts from another Internet propaganda attack (George Soros' & o'who?'s Web mouthpiece and gatherer of tithes from the faithful lemmings still swooning over 'The One.')

This time the targets are honest Democrat legislators, ones who aren't bowing down to the 'looney toons' Democrat leadership blustering. Pelosi & Reid's attempts to rush the health care scam through before all of Congress, and more importantly, before the public has a reasonable opportunity to review the scamcare bills' contents is typical the 'run amok' socialists.
[The bracketed comments are mine.] - rfh
From: Justin Ruben, Political Action Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 8:26 AM
Subject: Momentum [quick before people realize what we've done]
We're ready to fight back [Chicago Style thuggery] and hold them accountable. [bully, intimidate, threaten] Over the weekend, 93% of MoveOn members voted [ninety three percent who?] to withhold support [take time to consider the ramifications of scamcare & their constituents' concerns] from any Democrat who helps block an up-or-down vote [the "nuclear" option, ignore the will of the people] on a health care bill with a public option.
So it's time to swing into action and turn up the heat [make toe the line or line'em up to be shot down] on these Democratic holdouts [honest politicians] —and to get started,
Our member vote [threats] can provide a clear incentive [coercion] to senators who are deciding where they stand on Senator Reid's bill. [ here comes o'who?'s 'domestic security force 'street mob' --> ] So MoveOn members are hitting the streets, and the phones, to get the word out. We've planned in-person events [intimidate, shout down, use Jesse Jackson 'rainbow coalition' blackmail tactics] at the state offices of conservative Democrats starting today, we're developing a new round of ads [propaganda, who pays for them?], and we'll be flooding their offices with phone calls all week [garner publicity by any means, block attempts by honest constituents to get through]. Nazi 'toon source:
At the same time, we need to be clear: the "opt-out" version of the public option has real problems [if it was legitimate, it would be "opt-in"]. The most conservative states [is conservative bad?, liberal states with high taxes already likely would opt-out as well] in the country would likely opt out, potentially leaving millions of uninsured folks [why don't they buy insurance, if they can afford it] without access to the affordable health care a public option would provide [make honest wage earners & real tax payers foot the bill for those who don't pay taxes or are illegal].
So while this compromise version [a Democrat euphamism for bait-and-switch tactics] of the public option could help get a bill through the Senate, we need to push hard through the rest of the legislative process to make sure the final bill has a robust public option [like the street con "3 card Monte", every one loses] that doesn't leave anyone out. Our progressive champions [o'bama loons, progressive liberals, slobbering socialists, the Marxists, or Communists] in the House [and in the WH & among o'czars and o'czarinas] are fighting hard for that and we'll support their efforts.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of MoveOn members [o'puppet masters] and the broader progressive [socialist, communist, marxist, free loader] movement, the public option now has a ton of momentum [like screaming fire in a crowded theater]. And we're really close [panic time] to having the votes we need in the Senate. But we need to make sure a few conservative [honest] Democrats don't doom health care reform.
...we can pressure Democrats to support an up-or-down vote? [nuclear option to override the consensus of puplic opinion]
authored by [without the bracketed comments] – Justin, Ilyse, Kat, Laura, and the rest of the [o'soros] team
1. "Reid: Public Option No 'Silver Bullet' But Strong Consensus For Opt-Out" Talking Points Memo, October 26, 2009
"Nelson: Give states 'opt in' public health plan," The Washington Times, October 25, 2009 PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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