Source: The System of Freedom of Expression, 1970 (source: & related:
Last week, two friends and I were discussing my sense that there is a recent and sudden surge of leftist propaganda vilifying Tea-Party supporters and Conservatives generally, especially 'Consitutionalists', defenders of the 2nd Amendment, Pro-Life and States Rights advocates.
The rhetoric being hurled by prominent Democrat Party members and MSNBC muckrakers insinuates that insurrection, armed resistance, and violence is part-in-parcel with any anti-tax, anti-Big Government, anti-socialist speech ...translation: anti-administration speech is verboten!
Having failed to marginalize the growing distrust of 'his' regime's plans to 'fundamentally transform' America, he and his fellow travelers' jack-boot fear-mongering exposes their fears of losing momentum in Congress before a repudiation at the polls on November 2nd.
Our conversations were spurred by their having visited this blog, watched some 'pundit' shows on Fox News and from some MSNBC spittle. (They don't consider the likes of Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann as biased commentators.)
I voiced concerns that demonizing Conservatives and Traditional American Values is merely a 'smoke screen' used to minimize publicity exposing the socialist democrat agenda of the current President and his policy co-conspirators. Of particular objection by the other two are characterizations in cartoons that imply the the current President is 'out of his league' and that Conservative commentators unfairly mock his efforts to fix America's problems.
A case in point was a 'toon, shown above left, that was posted with a list of facts about the President's voting record on the 2nd Amendment. The 'toon is a caricature which only exaggerates the profile of his bust. The drawing, in fact, is a fair likeness of the man ... easily recognizable by most of the world's populace who've been repeatedly exposed to his many orchestrated public appearances brandished by the media ... especially TV. Though he does have a tendency to jut his face up and outward leaning into a look reminiscent of ... Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini.
It was my suggestion that the 'toon is not demeaning and certainly doesn't rise to the level of vehemence that was so often displayed by 'left leaning' media when it routinely "bashed" President Bush (II) with a relentless and monotonous negative mantra. (Except when they fearfully sought a leader to defend us from 'the evil East' post 9.11 when they would have willingly extolled a 'Vlad the Impaler' or "The Hammer" Martel.) They suggested that the vitriolic attacks against Bush were deserved whereas the current President should not be the 'butt' of jokes. They disagree that the current President has surrounded himself with communists, marxists and former radicals implied by this 'bumper sticker.'

The didn't agree that Bill Ayers is a friend of the current President now or in the past and denied strongly that the current President associates with communists, marxists or self described revolutionaries, ideologues, or an unrepentant domestic terrorist bomber. Though I defer on understanding his relationships, it was my impression that the two may have been, at some point, mesmerized by "The One."
'Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.' -- 2008 [Videos of which are disappearing from the Net. Why am I not surprised?]
It's not suprising that a new (Plum Book) hasn't been issued. The Plum Book is used to identify presidentially appointed positions within the Federal Government.
Discussing the 'health care' bill with one of the gentlemen led to an interesting take on the 'inalienable right' for all to have 'free' medical care .. when I said that it is my understanding of the Constitution that government has no business bestowing benefits on people at the expense of others nor should 'not accepting' government welfare be a 'criminal' offense. The retort to my Constitution "theory" was that the Constitution needs to be changed!
The conversation brought to mind some old mean spirited political 'editorials' from presidential campaigns of old. "The term "muckraker" was taken from the fictional character in John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, a man who was consigned to rake muck endlessly, never lifting his eyes from his drudgery." (quote source: Then, "Theodore Roosevelt gave the muckrakers their creative name."
Now we have the likes of "Time" magazine's mouthpiece spitting venom like: "Time’s Klein: Beck, Palin Potentially Committing Sedition against U.S. Government; Heilemann Adds Limbaugh" using Chris Matthew's 'ivory tower' to denounce their opponents free speech rights. ... What self-debasing hypocrisy!
Read more:
video source:
sedition, treason, inciting resistance to lawful authority, subversive,
Of course, like my two friends, the 'tired cliché' tactic of the "race card" had to be thrown in, weak defense that it is: "There are two things going on here and one thing is certainly that," Klein said. "One thing is he is African-American, but that his name is Barack Hussein Obama." Klein's statements are perfect examples of the phrase "standing on feet of clay" as James Joyce coined, "They discovered to their vast discomfiture that their idol had feet of clay, after placing him upon a pedestal."
Read more:
Coincidentally, on Fr.23Apr10, Glenn Beck discussed two examples of vicious and personal political editorials from the 1800's ... see the video below:
"Glenn Beck Show - Friday April 23, 2010 - Free Speech Under Attack"
video source:
Watch this at Fox News
examples: "..the 1800 election reached a level of personal animosity seldom equaled in American politics. The Federalists attacked the fifty-seven-year-old Jefferson as a godless Jacobin who would unleash the forces of bloody terror upon the land. With Jefferson as President, so warned one newspaper, "Murder, robbery, rape, adultery, and incest will be openly taught and practiced, the air will be rent with the cries of the distressed, the soil will be soaked with blood, and the nation black with crimes." Others attacked Jefferson's deist beliefs as the views of an infidel who "writes aghast the truths of God's words; who makes not even a profession of Christianity; who is without Sabbaths; without the sanctuary, and without so much as a decent external respect for the faith and worship of Christians."
Jefferson called the Federalists a prigarchy, a play on the words "prig" and "aristocracy," .. . The Federalists .. desperately exposed the President's alleged relations with his slave, Sally Hemings, as a national scandal." (quoted from
Dozens and dozens of similar hateful public attacks have been levied against other Presidents and candidates since the earliest days of our Republic. For those who support the current President, it would behoove them to dig a little deeper into American History beyond the MSNBC prattle.
As for those who are keeping an "arms length" relationship from and giving the current President 'plausible deniability' while they try, on his behalf, to vilify and discredit Americans who dissent from 'transforming America' let me suggest that they quickly review the failed play book of the former minister of the 'Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propagandaministerium' in order to see their own future past. Its followers believed also that their Führer was the Messiah that was destined to lead their country to greatness.
This administration's paranoia and its propensity for stealth and secrecy is exemplified by "Net Neutrality" legislation it is seeking. Its provisions to stifle Free Speech and criticism on the Internet is far-reaching. Once one media form is controlled, muzzling radio, print media, TV, even the pulpit is only a child's step away. Satirical parodies like the one below may be censored as could your speech in blogs.
video source:
Why would anyone, like Klein and his ilk, go "on the air" and make such preposterous statements about non-government citizenry? Is it possible that a sinister plot has been hatched? Recall that two of the Democrat candidates for the Presidency during 2008 referred, on several occasions, to "not wasting a crisis." One of those persons was elected President of the United States.
Recognizing that he and most all of his cabinet, staff and 'front-men' in Congress, media mouthpieces, and mentor George Soros are staunch anti-gun proponents. What better way to "create a crisis" than to incite some crazy person to respond to the vicious propaganda and rumors being spread about like manure on a field that they could then use as an excuse to ram gun-control legislation through Congress. It stinks yet it can fertilize the growth of a militant reaction which in turn would excuse 'crisis knee-jerk legislation', "Executive Action", and begin gun-confiscation not unlike that in Australia and England. It only takes a spark to ignite a 'rush to judgement' which has never been seen in the U.S. outside the aberration in New Orleans during the Katrina crisis.
It is no accident that the worms of deceit and dissension are crawling out of the left's bag of tricks as part of a well choreographed 'spontaneous' media blitz. Political action is usually preceded the laying of ground work among the electorate. Failing to garner public support, legislators and government leaders hunt for any excuse to mobilize against their target. What more self serving and sinister deception might be playing out before our very eyes and ears?
To force a pun, "They need to trigger a crisis."
"The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws." -- Ayn Rand (related:
My friends opined: "Huckabee ...He's a cracker. Keyes Uncle Tom." I remain nonplussed. Obviously, the 60's term "The Man" has taken on a new meaning.
I plan to post some information on an alternate to the "straight up'n down" ballot system we use for all of our elections. There is an alternative voting scheme that allows you to vote for multiple candidates/issues and in order of preference. It might resolve frustrations that some of us have on being forced to vote for a single candidate who doesn't support our positions on issues and which could also address some of the concerns about the huge amounts of monies spent by candidates trying to become "king of the mountain."
P.S.S. Besides Signing The Health Care Bill, What Other Historical Event Has Occurred On March 23rd?
photo source: Barack Obama and the Flying Circus Source: Pravda.Ru
By Ivan Simic at
By Ivan Simic at
"Osama and Obama both have friends that bombed the Pentagon" "National Socialism, Democratic Socialism, Maxist Socialism" 'toons
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