On the Second Amendment, Don’t Believe Obama
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The presidential primary season is finally over, and it is now time for gun owners to take a careful look at just where nominee Barack Obama stands on issues related to the Second Amendment. During the primaries, Obama tried to hide behind vague statements of support for “sportsmen” or unfounded claims of general support for the right to keep and bear arms.
But his real record, based on votes taken, political associations, and long standing positions, shows that Barack Obama is a serious threat to Second Amendment liberties. Don’t listen to his campaign rhetoric! Look instead to what he has said and done during his entire political career.

FACT: Barack Obama opposes four of the five Supreme Court justices who affirmed an individual right to keep and bear arms. He voted against the confirmation of Alito and Roberts and he has stated he would not have appointed Thomas or Scalia.17
FACT: Barack Obama voted for an Illinois State Senate bill to ban and confiscate “assault weapons,” but the bill was so poorly crafted, it would have also banned most semi-auto and single and double barrel shotguns commonly used by sportsmen.18
FACT: Barack Obama voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry.1
FACT: Barack Obama wants to re-impose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban.15
FACT: Barack Obama voted to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.3
FACT: Barack Obama has endorsed a 500% increase in the federal excise tax on firearms and ammunition.9
FACT: Barack Obama has endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership.2
FACT: Barack Obama supports local gun bans in Chicago, Washington, D.C., and other cities.4
FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people who use firearms in self-defense.5
FACT: Barack Obama supports gun owner licensing and gun registration.6
FACT: Barack Obama refused to sign a friend-of-the-court Brief in support of individual Second Amendment rights in the Heller case.
FACT: Barack Obama opposes Right to Carry laws.7
FACT: Barack Obama was a member of the Board of Directors of the Joyce Foundation, the leading source of funds for anti-gun organizations and “research.”8
FACT: Barack Obama supported a proposal to ban gun stores within 5 miles of a school or park, which would eliminate almost every gun store in America.9
FACT: Barack Obama voted not to notify gun owners when the state of Illinois did records searches on them.10
FACT: Barack Obama voted against a measure to lower the Firearms Owners Identification card age minimum from 21 to 18, a measure designed to assist young people in the military.11
FACT: Barack Obama favors a ban on standard capacity magazines.12
FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory micro-stamping.13
FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory waiting periods.2
FACT: Barack Obama supports repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment, which prohibits information on gun traces collected by the BATFE from being used in reckless lawsuits against firearm dealers and manufacturers.14
FACT: Barack Obama supports one-gun-a-month handgun purchase restrictions.16
FACT: Barack Obama supports a ban on inexpensive handguns.9
FACT: Barack Obama supports a ban on the resale of police issued firearms, even if the money is going to police departments for replacement equipment.9
FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory firearm training requirements for all gun owners and a ban on gun ownership for persons under the age of 21.9
1. United States Senate, S. 397, vote number 219, July 29, 2005. (http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=109&session=1&vote=00219)
2. Independent Voters of Illinois/Independent Precinct Organization general candidate questionnaire, Sept. 9, 1996. The responses on this survey were described in “Obama had greater role on liberal survey,” Politico, March 31, 2008. (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0308/9269.html)
3. United States Senate, S. 397, vote number 217, Kennedy amendment July 29, 2005. (http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=109&session=1&vote=00217)
4. David Wright, Ursula Fahy and Sunlen Miller, "Obama: 'Common Sense Regulation' On Gun Owners' Rights," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog, http://blogs.abcnews.com, 2/15/08. (http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/02/obama-common-se.html)
5. Illinois Senate, SB 2165, March 25, 2004, vote 20 and May 25, 2004, vote 3.
6. “Fact Check: No News In Obama's Consistent Record.” Obama ’08, December 11, 2007. (http://www.barackobama.com/factcheck/2007/12/11/fact_check_no_news_in_obamas_c.php)
7. “Candidates' gun control positions may figure in Pa. vote,” Pittsburgh Tribune-Review,Wednesday, April 2, 2008, and "Keyes, Obama Are Far Apart On Guns," Chicago Tribune, 9/15/04. (http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/s_560181.html)
8. 1998 Joyce Foundation Annual Report, p. 7.
9. “Obama and Gun Control,” The Volokh Conspiracy, taken from the Chicago Defender, Dec. 13, 1999. (http://www.volokh.com/posts/1203389334.shtml)
10. Illinois Senate, May 5, 2002, SB 1936 Con., vote 26.
11. Illinois Senate, March 25, 2003, SB 2163, vote 18.
12. “Clinton, Edwards, Obama on gun control,” Radio Iowa, Sunday, April 22, 2007. (http://learfield.typepad.com/radioiowa/2007/04/clinton_edwards.html)
13. Chicago Tribune blogs, “Barack Obama: NIU Shootings call for action,” February 15, 2008, (http://blogs.trb.com/news/politics/blog/2008/02/barack_obama_comments_on_shoot.html)
14. Barack Obama campaign website: “As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment . . .” (http://www.barackobama.com/issues/urbanpolicy/#crime-and-law-enforcement.)
15. Illinois Senate Debate #3: Barack Obama vs. Alan Keyes (http://www.ontheissues.org/2008/Barack_Obama_Gun_Control.htm andhttp://www.ontheissues.org/IL_2004_Senate_3rd.htm) Oct 21, 2004.
16. Illinois Senate, May 16, 2003, HB 2579, vote 34.
17. United States Senate vote 245, September 29, 2005 and vote 2, January 31, 2006 and Saddleback Forum, August 16, 2008.
18. Illinois Senate Judiciary Committee, March 13, 2003. To see the vote tally go to:http://www.nrapvf.org/Media/pdf/sb1195_obama.pdf.
Copyright © 2010, National Rifle Association of America, Political Victory Fund This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
Putting the word fact before a lie or a distortion of fact does not make your lies or distortions true. STOP LYING!
ReplyDeletePlease refute the distortions and lies with facts. "Stop Lying" is easy to say, however, presenting evidence to the contrary may not be easy. Enlighten us.
ReplyDeleteYou made the false statements. You have the burden of proof.
ReplyDeleteCut and paste the link into your browser and get the real facts. Obama is NOT anti gun! He is for reasonable regulations that will not hurt reputable gun owners or manufacturers.
Anyone who says Obama is anti-gun is either lying or very very brainwashed by NRA lies.
Robert lies of omission are still lies.
Stop Foxing the the facts.
I presented the evidence and you won't post it. You are really big on the 2nd but not to good on the first.
ReplyDeletere your "lies of omission" and
Please tell me if these are facts or are they distortions, NRA lies, are they pro-gun or anti-gun, is this brainwashing, are these not real facts, do these records make me a liar or obama rhetoric hollow at best?
Note factcheck.org is part'n parcel...
Barack Obama on Gun Control
• Opposed bill okaying illegal gun use in home invasions. (Aug 2008)
• Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)
• FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008)
• April 2008: "Bittergate" labeled Obama elitist. (Apr 2008)
• Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)
• Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
• 2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
• Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007, ...just before soliciting police support)
• Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
• Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
• Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004)
• Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
• Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
Democratic nomine for President; Junior Senator (IL)
FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban
Obama was being misleading when he denied that his handwriting had been on a document endorsing a state ban on the sale and possession of handguns in Illinois. Obama responded, “No, my writing wasn’t on that particular questionnaire. As I said, I have never favored an all-out ban on handguns.”
Actually, Obama’s writing was on the 1996 document, which was filed when Obama was running for the Illinois state Senate. A Chicago nonprofit, Independent Voters of Illinois, had this question, and Obama took hard line: 35. Do you support state legislation to:
a. ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns? Yes.
b. ban assault weapons? Yes.
c. mandatory waiting periods and background checks? Yes.
Source: FactCheck.org analysis of 2008 Philadelphia primary debate Apr 16, 2008
2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month
Obama sought moderate gun control measures, such as a 2000 bill he cosponsored to limit handgun purchases to one per month (it did not pass). He voted against letting people violate local weapons bans in cases of self-defense, but also voted in 2004 to let retired police officers carry concealed handguns. (..then solicited them.)
Source: The Improbable Quest, by John K. Wilson, p.148 Oct 30, 2007
Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions
Principles that Obama supports on gun issues:
• Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.
• Increase state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms.
• Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks with firearms.
Source: 1998 IL State Legislative National Political Awareness Test Jul 2, 1998
original sources: http://harrold.org/rfhextra/2008.html, http://www.ontheissues.org/2008/Barack_Obama_Gun_Control.htm, http://www.ontheissues.org/Barack_Obama.htm#Gun_Control
Prior to the Firearms Act of 1968 most Americans were perfectly comfortable with gun laws as they stood. Draconian gun restrictions imposed in England, Australia, and South Africa haven't curbed violent crime ..in fact arguments and statistics can be made and shown to to contrary.
ReplyDeleteAs to o'gunban being for 'reasonable regulations' could you outline for me why we need more than we already have, what benefits would derive, and how would they impact our/your 2nd Amendment rights such as they remain.
Being a retired Treasury Agent and having looked down the barrel from both ends, my perspective may be jaundiced to you but what happened in New Orleans during Katrina only re-enforced my belief that a strong 2nd Amendment, supported by believers in our Founding Fathers' ideals is more important that the musings of some Jr. Senator from Illinois. [Though it could be said that A. Lincoln was not all that experienced either until you read his speeches from the 1830's 'till his election.]
I am not trying to be argumentative in a negative way. I appreciate your candor and consideration of my 'conservative' views especially on Life and the 2nd Amendment.
Also are the stats on this blog entry also lies?
Guess who funds many of o'who?'s "back-door" socialist manuevers?
George Soros' "Open Society Institute" is behind the operation to now disarm Americans.
Rebecca Peters' organization is IANSA the "International Action Network on Small Arms"
Read the next blog link re George Soros funding 'Rebecca Peters' LANSA project to disarm the U.S.!!!
U.N. 'International Small Arms Treaty' to ban all private guns
U.N. 'International Small Arms Treaty'
o'gun ban & the 2nd Amendment
Don't shout 'fire' ...unless there is one! People smell smoke.
Read the blog re George Soros funding 'Rebecca Peters' LANSA project to disarm the U.S.!!!
Robert there is not a factual statement in any links. People are seeing through your smoke screen. Stop lying!
ReplyDeleteGun sales are booming. You wing nuts did the same thing when Clinton was in office.
When somebody says arms all you righties think about is fire arms yet you do nothing and say nothing about the fact that blow guns, silencers, switch blades, pepper spray, stun guns ect.. are illegal in many juristictions.
You righties are all about guns.
Tell me which of the following arms you would not allow citizens to bear. Here is where your true hypocrisy shows.
Hand grenades?
Nerve gas?
2000 pound bomb?
50 cal machine gun?
Stinger Missile?
Cruise Missile?
Hellfire Missile?
Depleted uranium rounds?
Incendiary rounds?
If you say that citizens cannot own any of the above then you are a libtard.
Someone's slide has been racked way to many times!
ReplyDelete"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed the subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty." -- Adolf Hitler, Fueher & Chancellor
"What luck for the rulers that men do not think." -- A. Hitler
"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilised nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -- A.H.
"All propaganda must be so popular and on such an intellectual level, that even the most stupid of those toward whom it is directed will understand it. .. " -- Hitler
As usual you won't answer the question as to where to draw the line when it comes to arms. I have asked other gun nuts the same question and they always weasel out of it like you have.
ReplyDeleteTell me Robert, if I can afford a hydrogen bomb should the government allow me to own one?
What about a full armed Abrams tank?
What about RPGs?
Have the intellectual honesty to tell me where you would draw the line? Then explain your logic. That ought to be interesting. LOL
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteIf I am a gun nut, what are you?
After you refute some of the "facts" that I've listed, I would be glad to discuss your "gun nut" "weasel" "intellectual honesty." Apparently you choose to ignore what I've quoted thus far and prefer to use the forum of the absurd.
If you recall, I said that most Americans accepted the weapons restrictions that were in place prior to the Firearms Act of 1968. I was one of those. If you take time to read the prior federal laws and regulations as to categories of "legal" and "registerable" weapons you would find that most of your questions as to what kinds of weapons would be acceptable to me are enumerated in those rules.
My objection to current efforts nationwide by "anti-gun" zealots and the 'George Soros' front men, which your rhetoric parrots, is not the restrictions on heavy weapons like most you list but rather on restricting weapons that are currently allowed under the Firearms Act of 1968.
It is no coincidence that many laws and further restrictive regulations being introduced in legislatures throughout the country use identical wording and are designed to eliminate private ownership and possession of weapons of any kind.
Simply attacking another's and different opinion on an issue does not valid your arguments.
Again, I ask you to substantiate your claims that the "facts" I've listed are false, beginning with your claiming that 'factcheck.org' was being ignored by me. Beginning in 2007, on my 'presidential candidates' page (now dated) at http://www.harrold.org/rfhextra/2008.html factcheck.org was frequently cited by me for both pro and anti-gun positions of candidates.
The fact that I am pro-2nd Amendment doesn't lessen the strength of my arguments; however, your "LOL" "stop lying" vindictiveness doesn't strengthen your apparent anti-gun propaganda.
How about some facts or statistics for your side now? Your statement, "there is not a factual statement in any [of your] links" is rather a broad stroke isn't it?
P.S. A .50 caliber sounds OK to me ... and yes, licensed under current laws.