From: Jim Robb NumbersUSA Subject: The Edge of Ruin 

Harry Reid claims only 4 votes short for Amnesty! Senate Majority Leader promises crowd of Illegal Aliens and their supporters that he will deliver Amnesty; claims to have started work to pass Amnesty 'now' It's now or never in the U.S. Senate.![]() "We're going to come back, we're going to have comprehensive immigration reform now," Sen. Reid declared over the weekend. Yesterday [ 14April10 ], the Senate returned to Washington, and staffers were scrambling to fulfill Reid's promise that an Amnesty is the next big push. Amnesty should be too unpopular for Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to tackle in an election year. After all, a CNN poll released yesterday showed that 66% of Americans do not want the path to citizenship made easier for illegal aliens. According to the poll, only four in ten Democrats want those changes! So why would Democratic leaders in Congress want to push amnesty, an extremely unpopular measure, now? Bottom line is this: Reid knows the upcoming election is shaping up very badly for his party. He may lose his majority in the Senate. He very well may lose his own re-election bid. He's polling way behind in Nevada. He's almost out of tricks. For Reid, passing an Amnesty bill is literally Now or Never! He wants to push through an amnesty now when he may have the votes to overcome a filibuster. And he must be stopped.Last weekend, raucous illegal alien rallies were held in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and other cities. More are scheduled in Dallas and New York. This is being done with the $30 million raised by our opposition to fund "comprehensive immigration reform." At a rally of illegal aliens and their supporters in Las Vegas Saturday, Reid said he believed he already had 56 Democratic votes for an Amnesty bill, just short of the 60 needed. And that doesn't count Sen. Lindsay Graham and other Republicans generally favorable to Amnesty. Our opponents are desperate. I would just say that Reid is a blowhard politician who is obviously pandering to a certain crowd. But let's not make the mistake of taking this man too lightly. After all, he just succeeded in passing another pretty unpopular bill when everyone said it could not be done. Obviously, Sen. Reid believes that turning 12 - 20 million illegal aliens into voters will help solidify his lock on power. It will shore him up, if you will. Is this what you want? Will we stand by and be "rolled" by a desperate politico willin g to trade America's future for another brief shot at power? No. NO. NO!!! Our Campaign to S.T.O.P. Amnesty continues. I need you to go immediately to your NumbersUSA Action Board to start bombarding your Senators with phone calls and hitting them hard with faxes. I'm not giving you specific links to the faxes and calls on this email because they vary greatly from state to state. Obviously, our approach needs to be tailored for each Senator. We can't afford to lose even a single vote. Thanks to NumbersUSA's army of activist members, not one amnesty has passed Congress in 10 years (after 6 the previous decade). But if we stand idly by, Harry Reid will ram this amnesty down our throats and undue everything we've worked for. I agree with Sen. Reid on just one thing. It is truly Now or Never! Important note: Concerning the assault on our president Roy Beck, and that spurious charges put on our associate, Ben, those cases are still pending. As I promised you, we have provided excellent legal counsel to Ben and will stand with him all the way. Thanks. We're working hard for you.
Numbers USA, 1601 N. Kent Street, Suite 1100, Arlington, VA 22209
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