From: - Fr. Frank Pavone Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 Subject: Here's why you are so special and why I thank God for you every day!
Dear Friend, Congress wants to force you to pay for abortions!
In so doing it has thumbed its nose at you and the majority of your fellow Americans.
Fortunately, this fight is far from over. But in order for you to protect the youngest members of our human family from those anti-life extremists who seek to destroy them, you need to:
1. Join me and the people of life in making this New Year's Resolution:
I commit myself never to be silent, never to be passive, never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, and never to stop defending life until all my brothers and sisters are protected, and our nation once again becomes a nation with liberty and justice not just for some, but for all!
Make no mistake. The so-called "health care reform" bill that Congress is about to pass is a death sentence for our unborn brothers and sisters.
Don't take my word for it. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Chairman of the US Bishops' Committee on Pro-life Activities, said that there is a "fundamental problem" with the Senate's Christmas Eve version of "health care reform":
"Despite repeated claims to the contrary, it does not comply with longstanding Hyde restrictions on federal funding of elective abortions and health plans that include them."
The editors of National Review Online went even further and issued this analysis:
"If this bill passes ... abortion rates will increase. ... This bill radically revises the status quo in a pro-abortion direction. ... The Senate bill implicitly authorizes the secretary of health and human services to require that all private health plans cover elective abortions. ... [T]here is no denying that the legislation makes abortion more accessible ... Washington is giving a lavish gift to the abortion lobby after years of declining public support for it."
Add to this the fact that you and your fellow taxpayers oppose public funding of abortion by a three-to-one margin, and our mission becomes crystal clear:
Beginning immediately, Priests for Life is mobilizing voters to put the right to life first in every election.
Congress' extremist anti-life position makes it clear that for 2010 and beyond our task, then, is threefold:And this email is your call to arms!
1. To build on the momentum we've built and bring even more of our fellow Americans into our pro-life movement!
2. To maintain our vigilant and heroic defense of our unborn brothers and sisters!
3. To convince all Americans who say they are pro-life to live out their principles in their day-to-day living ... and most especially INSIDE THE VOTING BOOTH!
In order to accomplish those three objectives, Priests for Life must be at full strength.Which means we need every single member of our Priests for Life family on board and ready to do whatever it takes to defeat the abortion juggernaut which extremists in Washington have unleashed on our unborn brothers and sisters!
And when I say "every single member of our Priests for Life family" that's exactly what I mean.Unless the people of life rise up as one and defend the youngest members of our human life, they will continue to be slaughtered ... willfully, brutally and ruthlessly!
And thanks to radical pro-abortion extremists in Congress ...
... you will be forced to pay for the abortions that kill them!
You simply cannot sit back and allow that to happen. God has placed you here at this precise moment in history for a reason. And that reason is to protect His innocent unborn children ... no matter the personal cost to yourself.
After all, you recognize the sanctity and dignity of the human person from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. If you are unwilling to fight for the unborn, who will?
So now that God is calling you to give of yourself for the sake of the youngest members of our human family, your response must be that of the prophet Isaiah's when he said to God:
"Here am I! Send me!"
Thankfully that has been your response all along. You have willingly made countless sacrifices to defend the unborn. You have generously given of yourself to support our work here at Priests for Life. You continue to fight the good fight. You continue to run the race.Today your unborn brothers and sisters need you to persevere in this fight and renew your commitment to them!
I am asking every single one of your fellow Priests for Life members to make that same commitment.And if we all work together and give our all, then I am confident that we will, according to God's divine plan, win VICTORY over abortion.
All indications are that an increasing number of Americans are fed up with the radical policies coming out of Washington.
And I am confident that Congress' passage of the abortion-laden "health care reform" measure will only serve to intensify their justifiable anger and affirm their pro-life convictions.
More than ever, the people of life are ready to roll up their sleeves and work to help men and women who share their values get elected to public office. And Priests for Life is going to do everything in our power to help make that happen.
Even as you read this letter, we are busy finalizing our plans on how we will promote the Church's teachings on political responsibility in the coming months!
Those plans received a real shot in the arm recently when we received a letter from the IRS which, in a nutshell, gave us a clean bill of health and confirmed what we already knew; namely, that Priests for Life's work in the political arena is in total compliance with IRS guidelines.
Well, we're going to need your wholehearted support in order for our plans to bear fruit in November.
That's the first priority that requires your financial support on an ongoing basis. The second priority is our "Freedom Ride" initiative. This historic project goes hand-in-hand with all of our work dealing with political responsibility because it is designed to ignite the pro-life embers that lie smoldering within our fellow Americans ... and most especially our African-American brothers and sisters.
As I believe you know, the first "Freedom Ride" bus is schedule to hit the road in the Spring.
In order for that to happen, however, there are a lot of details still to be worked out ... and a lot of financial obligations that have to be met.
Again, it's going to take you and all of our Priests for Life family members to provide the dollars that will keep our "Freedom Ride" project on track and make it the success it needs to be.
But that's far from all Priests for Life will be doing this year.
In addition to those two top priorities, it is more important than ever that we continue to preach the Gospel of Life to our fellow Americans and work to bring more of them into our pro-life movement. Right now we are reaching literally TENS OF MILLIONS of Americans through ...
- Television: Mother Angelica's EWTN network ... Sky Angel with our "Gospel of Life" show ... guest appearances on cable and satellite news programs.
- Radio: We're on numerous Catholic and Christian stations ... and secular talk radio, too.
- Internet: Hundreds of thousands of people visit our website every month. They do because our site is jam-packed with the latest pro-life news and information. It is critically important that grow and expand this part of our ministry.
- Email: Instant communication with tens of thousands of pro-life activists alerting them to attacks on the unborn and providing them with actions they can take to fight abortion.
- Teleconferences: Key strategy sessions with pro-life leaders and activists. Thousands of people take part in these teleconferences at a time!
- Publications: My bi-weekly pro-life column ... editorials ... blog postings.
- YouTube and Facebook: We are taking the Gospel of Life to those Internet sites that young people visit. Literally millions of people watched the "Is This What You Mean?" videos we posted on YouTube.
- Pro-life conferences: Members of our pastoral team are constantly on the road giving pro-life talks and rallying the people of life to take to the streets
- Churches: Liturgical resources ... newsletter to priests ... parish visits ... work with the clergy of Protestant denominations ... and much, much more!
Please continue to PRAY for me and everyone here at Priests for Life. As I mentioned at the very beginning of my letter, 2010 is going to be an extremely difficult one for us. Pro-abortion extremists control the powers of government and they are intent on using their power to further cement abortion-on-demand as the law of the land.
Although everyone here at Priests for Life relies on your prayers to sustain us, no one relies on them more than I do. So please continue to pray for me and Priests for Life.
And know that we pray to God for you, too. Because you are such a blessing to us and to the unborn, in grateful thanksgiving for the sacrifices you make on their behalf, I and all the priests of Priests for Life - Fr. Wilde, Fr. West, Fr. Quinn, Fr. Daniels, and Fr. Salom?n - remember you at each Mass we offer.
Thank you again for your dedication, your commitment and your perseverance. You are an inspiration to me and every member of our hard-working Priests for Life staff. God bless.
And if I may ask you one more favor. Each year I survey our supporters to learn how we can serve their needs more effectively. After giving your donation, would you take a moment and fill out the short survey I've placed at It is very important to me to know what you're thinking about our ministry!
Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Frank Pavone

PS I know I've mentioned this to you before, but it bears repeating. Should you ever begin to grow weary in our fight to end abortion, call to mind these words which the late Congressman Henry Hyde said. They will serve as a powerful motivator for you, as they do for me:
"When the time comes as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment, I've often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates, you are there alone standing before God and a terror will rip through your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there will be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement. They will say to God, 'Spare him because he loved us.' And God will look at you and say not, 'Did you succeed?', but 'Did you try?'."
Without question you are working hard to end abortion and save the lives of countless numbers of innocent babies. You are trying and giving your all. And because of that, when you stand before the throne of Almighty God, a throng of white-clad innocents will cry out on your behalf. With that comforting thought in mind ...
And ...
Renew your commitment to Priests for Life through prayer and contributions! By clicking here you will be able to commit to say a special prayer of reparation for abortion. At the same time, you'll be able to go to our donation page and make either a one-time donation or a monthly pledge.
Your response today is absolutely critical.
That's why it is so critically important that you click here to make a donation today!
Do this RIGHT NOW ... before you delete this message and move on to your next email.
And when you do, be sure to send Priests for Life a much-needed contribution. Your dollars are critically needed in order for Priests for Life to carry out two vital campaigns this year. The first of these has to do with the upcoming 2010 elections. But all of it and I mean ALL OF IT! depends on you and the rest of our Priests for Life family. We can only do as much as your generosity allows us to do. That's why it is so important that you make a financial commitment to Priests for Life when you click here to make your prayer commitment to the unborn.It's going to cost upwards of $8,490,000 to carry out all the work noted above. But as of my writing to you right now, Priests for Life hasn't nearly that much in our operating funds. Not even close. But if you will do your part, and your fellow Priests for Life members do as well, then we will raise that $8,490,000, be fully funded, and lead the pro-life movement into battle against those who seek to kill our unborn brothers and sisters.
So what is "your part"? To be precise ...... I'm counting on you to send Priests for Life a gift for $138.16. I know that's a lot to ask of you, especially in these difficult economic times.But if you are able to do so, and if every other member of our Priests for Life family does likewise, then we will raise our entire budget for next year!
Or here's another option.
If it's too difficult for you to send all $138.16 today, make a MONTHLY PLEDGE instead and spread your gift out over time.
But if you do choose to make a pledge, please try to send at least $27 a month ... that's the amount of the average gift sent to support our work.
But no matter how you choose to give, its absolutely vital that you respond TODAY.
So click here to sign your prayer commitment to the unborn.
And while there, go to our Priests for Life donation page and either:
a) Make a one-time contribution for $138.16 by clicking here.
b) Or make a Monthly Pledge to help support our pro-life work by clicking here.
To be absolutely honest, I'm really hoping you will make a Monthly Pledge. That's because, since you and other members of our Priests for Life family provide us with the dollars we need to fund all of our work, you are the key to our success. It is your dollars that allow us to be effective.Well, as faithful as you and our other supporters are, there are times of the year when contributions fall off. The summer is a perfect example. What keeps Priests for Life going during those "down times" are the monthly pledge contributions. That's why I consider our monthly pledges the lifeblood of Priests for Life. In fact, believe it or not ... ... a monthly pledge of $27 - which amounts to $324 a year - is more valuable to Priests for Life than a one-time gift of $500. That's because after the one-time gift is spent on a worthy project ... it's gone. The $27 pledge, on the other hand, comes in month after month ... and that is a great comfort to me and allows us to do a lot of forward planning. So if at all possible, when you click here to sign your "Pledge to the Unborn" ...... make a MONTHLY PLEDGE of $27 or more to help finance Priests for Life's important work ... not only in 2010 but for as long as it takes to end legalized abortion.
Thank you.
Oh, I do have one more request.
NOTE: If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to Priests for Life and send it to us at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314. If you have any questions, call us toll-free at 888-735-3448, ext. 232.
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